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Cultural & Heritage Committee meeting

  • Borough of Middlesex Recreation Center 1400 Mountain Avenue Middlesex, NJ 08846 United States (map)

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date February 25, 2021

Borough of Middlesex | 1200 Mountain Avenue | Middlesex, NJ  08846

In compliance with the “Open Public Meeting Law” P.L. 1975 C231, this notice is to amend the February 10, 2021 Sunshine notice for the Cultural & Heritage Committee meeting to now be held at the Middlesex Recreation Center, 1400 Mountain Avenue, Middlesex, NJ on Thursday, March 4, 2021 at 7:00 P.M. All Borough residents are invited to attend the meeting.

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were mailed to the Courier News, The Star Ledger, and posted on the website and bulletin board in the Municipal Building on February 25, 2021.

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk