Middlesex Borough Victor Crowell Park (3).jpg



The Clerk's Office is the "Doorway to Local Government". The Municipal Clerk is one of the oldest public servants in local government. Over the years, Municipal Clerks have become the hub of government, the direct link between the residents of their community and their government.The Clerk is the historian of the community, for the entire recorded history of the Borough and its people are in his or her care. We here at the Middlesex Borough Clerk’s Office look forward to serving our residents and the citizens of our community.

To view BIDs and RFPs for the Borough, please visit the Purchasing Department page.

Overview of the Clerk’s Office


Secretary of the Municipal Government

  • Serves as executive secretary to the Borough Council

  • Custodian of the municipal seal

  • Maintains custody of all minutes, books, deeds, bonds, contracts and archival records of the municipal corporation

  • Attest to the signatures of municipal officers and officials

  • Maintain receipt of service of legal documents

Secretary to the Governing Body

  • Prepares and files Borough Council Agendas and Minutes

  • Maintains Borough Code Book, ordinances, resolutions and contracts

  • Administer and record oaths of office

  • Process, record, file and when necessary, advertise ordinances, resolutions and the municipal budget

Chief Administrative Officer of all elections held in the Municipality

  • Certify vacancies at a local level

  • Maintain receipt of nominating petitions and certification to the County Clerk of local candidates nominated by petition

  • Furnish material for local elections

  • Suggest polling places

  • Maintain receipt of election results

Chief Registrar of Voters in the Municipality

  • Registers voters and supervises the handling of elections

Administrative Officer

  • Issues various permits and licenses required under state statute and local ordinance

  • Serves as the Registrar of Vital Statistics

Records Coordinator & Manager responsible for implementing local archives and records retention programs as mandated

Other duties that may be imposed by state statutes and regulations or municipal ordinances or regulations

General Voting Information


If you are not registered to vote, the Voter Registration Deadline is 21 days before the election.


You must be a registered voter in order to apply for a Mail-In Ballot. Once you apply, you will not be permitted to vote by machine at your polling place in the same election.

A voter may apply for a Mail-In Ballot by mail up to 7 days prior to the election. He or She may also apply in person to the County Clerk until 3 p.m. the day before the election. The application can be found at the following link, located under Middlesex County.

Apply to be a Pollworker!


Voting • Next Up: Primary Election – June 10, 2025

As the June 10, 2025 Primary Election approaches, the Middlesex Borough Clerk’s Department wants to keep all residents informed that the last day to register to vote in the Primary Election is May 20th, 2025. Also, the deadline to apply for a mail-in ballot by mail for the Primary Election is June 3, 2025. Sample Ballots will be mailed out preceding the start of the early voting period for the Primary Election.


Be sure you are registered to vote. Then vote by mail or in person during the Early Voting period or on Election Day! Voting Timeline for 2025 Primary:

  • May 20 – Voter Registration Deadline for Primary Election

  • June 3 – Deadline to apply for a Mail-In Ballot by mail for Primary Election

  • June 6–June 8 – Early Voting Period

  • June 9 - by 3 pm – Deadline for in-person Mail-In Ballot Applications for Primary Election

  • June 10 – Primary Election Day


Middlesex Borough Open Public Records Request Website (link opens in new browser window)

Licenses & Permit Applications

Forms, Permits, and License Applications

Please visit the Forms & Applications page to find links for online applications and downloadable forms. On that page, select the “Clerk’s Office Licenses and Permits” to find information about:

  • Peddler, Solicitor, and Pawn Shop Application

  • Mercantile License

  • Bingo and Raffle Licenses

  • Christmas Tree Sales

  • Block Parties, Assembly Permits

  • Limousine License

  • Find these on the Forms & Applications page here

Pet Licenses

Annual Dog/Cat License Renewal Applications will be sent out via email at the beginning of each new year to all pet owners who have supplied the Borough with a valid email address. If you do not receive a renewal notice in late-December or early-January, you may begin an application from the links found on the Forms & Applications page here. Look under the Clerk’s Office section for “Dog & Cat Licenses” and follow the link to fill out your application online.

Payment must be received before a license can be issued. Proof of updated rabies vaccination is only needed if the rabies vaccination expires prior to November 1 of the new year, or if you have a new registration. Payment must be received no later than February 28th in order to avoid a $10 late fee.

US Passports


LINDA CHISMAR - Borough Clerk/Registrar

Phone: 732.356.7400 x238
Email: lchismar@middlesexboro-nj.gov

Kelsey Meixner – Deputy Registrar/Deputy Clerk

Phone: 732.356.7400 x236
Email: Kmeixner@middlesexboro-nj.gov