The Department of Senior & Disabled Services offers exercise programs on topics of interest to seniors and disabled residents. Most of these programs are free to Middlesex residents, (some programs with outside instructors or facilitators have a small fee.) The dates that programs run are listed on the appropriate Senior & Disabled Services calendar under the "Events" tab. Printed monthly calendars are also available in the lobbies of the Recreation Center and the Public Library. For information on all exercise programs, please call 732.356.0414.
- When: Monday and Friday, 8:55 – 9:55 am
- Cost: $5 per session for Middlesex residents, $6 per session for non-residents
- (no longer doing Zumba gold)
- About: Zumba is an exercise program performed to music in all tempos. It is a party that makes you sweat!
- When: Fridays 11:00 am
- Cost: $5 per session for Middlesex residents, $6 per session for non-residents
- About: Chair Yoga covers stretches for your entire body without tiring you out! Each sessions is approximately 30-45 minutes for Seniors or people with disabilities.
- When: Mon 10: 15 – 11:00 am
- About: Cost: $5 per session for Middlesex residents, $6 per session for non-residents
- About: This is a seated light fitness program that will incorporate your mind, body, and soul. Exercises will include activities like brain games, hand clapping and drumming to help calm anxiety and stress in the body.
- When: Wednesdays: 9:30am - 10:15am
- Cost: Free
- About: Ageless Grace is a fun program that enables cognitive growth through a series of "exercises" designed to replenish brain cells. These are non-strenuous, neurologically sophisticated activites done in a seated position. No registration required.
We offer various transporation services, all of which are wheelchair accessible.
- To request a transportation reservation: Please call 732.356.0414 at least two weeks before transportation is needed
- About: This service is available for essential transportation needs, including trips to the post office, bank, hairdresser, barber, etc.
- Availability: Tuesdays: Morning Trip at 9:00 am; Afternoon Trip at 1:00 pm
- To request a transportation reservation: Please call 732.356.0414
- About: On Tuesday’s, we take a trip to ShopRite. On the last Tuesday of every month, we take a trip to Walmart. There is a morning trip that leaves at 9:00 am and an afternoon trip that leaves at 1:00 pm. If you need assistance grocery shopping, an aid is encouraged to come with you.
- About: There is no charge for transportation, but we are required by our grant to accept donations. The Department of Senior & Disabled Services is funded in part by Federal Older Americans Act money. Under this act we are required to have a donation policy for the use of our vehicles. We suggest a donation of one dollar for the use of general transportation for errands and recreational trips. We suggest a donation of one dollar for the use of medical transportation. No one will be denied transport for not donating.
Recommended links offered by the State of New Jersey and Federal government.
Assisted Living in New Jersey
This website discusses all services available for seniors living in New Jersey, outlines helpful state programs for seniors and allows to find assisted living facilities in every city, township, borough and county in New Jersey.
Asbestos.com - The Mesothelioma Cancer Center works to provide free information and resources to the public about asbestos exposure and illnesses that could be caused by it. We also work with these individuals and their families to help them find local doctors, treatment centers and support groups.
Drug Center - Drug Center is an informational tool for seniors who may be experiencing, or want to learn about, the unexpected negative reactions or side-effects to these common medications.
Medicare - Official U.S. Government web site for Medicare services.
Mesothelioma Guide - Mesothelioma Guide aims to provide easy to understand information to patients and their families about treatment options, mesothelioma specialists, and support groups.
New Jersey Division of Aging Services - The Division of Aging Services administers federal and State-funded services and supports and makes it easier for seniors and caregivers to live in the community as long as possible with independence, dignity and choice.
- Services & Supports
- Getting Answers
- Staying Healthy
- Getting Help at Home
- Staying Safe
- Pharmaceutical Assistance to the Aged & Disabled (PAAD)
- Forms & Publications
- Contact the New Jersey Division of Aging Services
- Department of Human Services Facebook site
New Jersey Family Care - NJ FamilyCare is a federal and state funded health insurance program created to help New Jersey's uninsured children and certain low-income parents and guardians to have affordable health coverage.
NJ 2-1-1 - NJ 2-1-1 can help you find solutions to personal needs by informing you of resources in your community like day care facilities, shelters, affordable housing units, social services, employment training programs, senior services, medical insurance, and more.
Senior Freeze (Property Tax Reimbursement) - The Senior Freeze Program reimburses eligible senior citizens and disabled persons for property tax or mobile home park site fee increases on their principal residence (main home). To qualify, you must meet all the eligibility requirements for each year from the base year through the application year.
Affordable New Jersey Communities for Homeowners and Renters (ANCHOR) - This program provides property tax relief to New Jersey residents who owned or rented their principal residence (main home) on October 1, 2019, and met the income limits.
- Filing deadline: January 31, 2023
- Homeowners who filed a Homestead Benefit application last year may be able to obtain their ID and PIN numbers online.
- Renters/Tenants do not need an ID or PIN number to file.
- About: A home-delivery nutrition program for seniors. Each meal delivered is equal to one third of the daily nutritional requirements.
- Who is eligible: Homebound and medically needy residents that have difficulty getting food or preparing meals and receive no regular assistance from family or an aide.
- Cost: $2.75 per meal, payable to Middlesex County Accomodation can be made for those who cannot pay.
- To apply: Please call 732.356.0414
- About: The Department of Senior & Disabled Services has a SHIP (State Health Insurance Assistance Program) counselor on staff. This program is a national, year-round program that offers counseling to Medicate recipients and their families.
- Who is eligible: Residents about to turn 65 and are eligible for Medicare for the first time
- To apply: Open enrollment for current recipients who wish to change their Medicare coverage. Please call 732.356.0414 to make an appointment.
MEDICARE COUNSELING: PAAD & Senior Gold Limits for 2023
Medicare Counseling: PAAD & Senior Gold Limits for 2023
- About: This is a volunteer-based program to assist Middlesex seniors. Residents will be matched with a volunteer shopper and are expected to provide a list of specific items, coupons (if desired), and money to pay the grocery bill. The volunteer will pick up the list at an agreed upon time, fill the order, and can help with putting the groceries away.
- Who is eligible: Homebound seniors who live alone with limited assistance from family and have no way of grocery shopping on a regular basis
- To apply for services or become a volunteer: Please call 732.356.0414.
- About: This is a free income preperation program sponsored by AARP that begins the first week of February and is held on Tuesdays and Thursdays until April 15.
- Who is eligible: All taxpayers with the exception of self-employed individuals
- To apply: Please call 732.356.0414 to schedule an appointment. Taxpayers must bring all documents pertaining to income from all sources and their Social Security Card.
- About: The Department of Senior & Disabled Services assists all residents with property tax relief programs.
- To schedule an appointment: Please call 732.356.0414