
Vital Statistics


Middlesex Borough's Vital Statistics Department maintains records of births, marriages, civil unions, domestic partnerships and deaths that occur in Middlesex Borough.

Hours: weekdays from 9AM – 4PM

Certified Copy Application - $15 Fee

(Fillable PDF: we recommend you save the form to your device before you begin typing. The form should then be printed and submitted with payment and any other required documentation.)


Where to Apply

  • The Registrar of Vital Statistics where either partner resides

  • If both partners are non-residents of NJ apply with the Registrar of Vital Statistics where the marriage will be performed

When to Apply

  • It is recommended to apply for your Marriage License 2 weeks prior to the date of your marriage.

  • Please complete the link above to submit the marriage license application and then please call to make an appointment for a Marriage License at 732-356-7400, Ext. 238. Once the application is taken, there is a 72 hour waiting period before it can be issued. Once the license is issued, it must be used within 30 days.

  • The Middlesex Borough Registrar’s Office is open from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Monday – Friday to apply for a certified copy.

What to Bring when Applying

  • A witness over the age of 18

  • If divorced or annulled, bring final decree, or the date and court that handled the event

  • Identification: Valid Driver’s license with current address (If address is not current, bring proof of residency, i.e. utility bill, lease, bank statement, etc. within the last 90 days). If you do not have a Valid Driver’s license, a valid passport is acceptable with proof of residency.

What You Must Know When Applying

  • Both partner’s social security numbers

  • Both partner’s parent’s names (including mother’s maiden name)

  • Where both partner’s parents were born (state or country)

  • Where both partners were born (city and state)

  • Date and location of the marriage ceremony

  • Name and address of the person performing the ceremony

FEE: $28.00 EXACT cash or check (no credit cards) delivered at the time of the application.


Certified copies of vital records of all births, deaths, marriages that occur within the Borough of Middlesex are available from Registrar’s Office where the event occurred.

The fee is $15.00 per copy. The fee is payable with cash, money order or a check made out to the Borough of Middlesex. We do not accept credit or debit cards.

The Borough of Middlesex complies with the requirements of the State Department of Vital Statistics and Registry regarding who is eligible to receive a certified copy of a vital record. You will need to fully identify the record and provide proof of your identity, current residence and, if appropriate, your relationship to the person listed on the vital record you are requesting. If your last name on your driver’s license is different than your last name on the birth certificate (if you are the mother, if it is different than your maiden or the father’s last name), please include a copy of your marriage certificate.


LINDA CHISMAR - Borough Clerk/Registrar

Phone: 732.356.7400 x238

Kelsey Meixner - Deputy Registrar/deputy clerk

Phone: 732-356, 7400, Ext. 236