The Construction Department is here to assist Township property owners when they are making any construction changes or renovations to their property and structures. Our office has jurisdiction over building, plumbing, electric and fire changes or improvements. The Department's main goal is to ensure that any and all work is code compliant and that proper techniques and procedures are followed for your safety and protection.
Often I am asked questions such as “who would you recommend I have do the work” or “Is this contractor OK”. These questions place my staff and I in a very difficult situation. We are unable to recommend or guide consumers in their choice of contractors. We all feel obligated to serve the residents of Borough of Middlesex to the best of our ability. However our legal obligation as Licensed Code Enforcement professionals does not allow us to give the answers that you would like to hear.
The same holds true for contractor / consumer disputes. My staff and I are sometimes asked to take sides and mediate in disputes between parties. Our position is constant; if the work is in compliance with the code we cannot become involved. Legal code compliance, contractual obligations and purchaser expectations may vastly differ. These matters are civil in nature and should be handled accordingly.
The bottom line is BUYER BEWARE. You need to do your homework before you have work done in your home. Take steps to prevent being misled or deceived, select a contractor whom you can trust with your most valuable asset. Here is list of things you should investigate prior to entering into an agreement with a contractor.
Keep it for future reference.
Does the contractor have a permanent business location and a good reputation?
How long has he or she been in business?
Is the contractor a member in good standing of a professional trade association?
CHECK REFERENCES. It's important that you talk with people who have hired the contractor to do similar jobs to yours and ask if they would hire the contractor again.
Have you seen the contractor's work both in progress and completed?
Does the contractor have proof of worker's compensation and general liability insurance? If not, you may be liable for any construction related accidents on your property or damage to property caused by an accident.
Price drives the selection. If you like the contractor and are confident with his or her work, but they came in with a bid which is beyond your price, ask what can be scaled down to meet your budget.
Are you able to communicate easily with the contractor? Misunderstandings during the course of the project can lead to cost overruns and delays.
Do you feel comfortable with the contractor? Remember, you will be in close contact with them and will share your house with their crew until the project is complete.
Will the contractor provide you with a complete and clearly written contract as required by NJ law?
Ask what type of warranty is offered. Most contractors offer some sort of warranty in writing.
Do not allow the contractor to start any work before a construction permit has been issued and is on the job site. Obtaining permits is the legal responsibility of the homeowner. Most of the time a contractor will work with you to obtain the permits.
Be sure that your agreement states that final payment will not be presented until a Certificate of Approval or Occupancy is obtained from the Construction Official. This is for your protection and is required by NJ state law.
As you can see choosing a contractor is a little more than going to the yellow pages and letting your fingers do the walking. You need to do some research and find the best contractor for you and your project.
You may be able to obtain additional information from the NJ Division of Consumer Affairs regarding Home Improvement Practices.
MICHELE GALEK & KAREN WICK - Technical Assistant
Address: 1200 Mountain Ave., Middlesex, NJ 08846
Phone: 732.356.7400 x247
Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 9 am to 4 pm (Except Holidays)
Summer Hours: Monday thru Thursday 9 am to 4 pm; Friday 9 am to 1:30 pm
When paying for permits, checks should be made payable to Borough of Middlesex
The Middlesex Construction Department is developing a listing of relating to construction, permits and regulations. Additional questions will be added over time.
+ What do I need a permit for?
+ Do I need a permit for a fence or shed?
+ Will my taxes go up if I get a permit?
+ How long does it take to get a permit?
+ I am a homeowner so can I do the work myself?
+ What if my contractor says I don’t need a permit for the work I want him to do?
The term Certificate of Occupancy or CO is commonly used but has various meanings.
When selling a residential home, the actual CO needed is a Residential Resale Certificate.
When purchasing a vacant home that is not habitable yet, the actual CO needed is a Change of Title.
When opening a new business, the actual CO needed is a Resale Leased Certificate os Occupancy.
When purchasing a non-residential property, the actual CO needed is a Resale Certificate of Continued Occupancy.
When building a new structure, that is a Certificate of Occupancy.
Once you explain the Technical Assistants what you actually are doing, they will provide you with the necessary paperwork. Sometimes you may need more than one type of CO, so what ever they give you is what is required.
Many forms are available online from the Construction Department on the Borough’s “Forms & Applications” page here. If there is a particular form, you would like to see on the web site, please contact the Construction Department.