Middlesex Borough Tax Collector’s Office
The Tax Collector is responsible for the billing, collection and recording of all taxes and utilities levied upon the properties in the Borough.
Middlesex Borough’s tax rate for 2024
2.314 Tax Rate – Breakdown is as follows:
0.334 – County Tax
0.030 – County Open Space Tax
1.249 – School Tax
0.667 – Local Municipal Tax
0.034 – Municipal Library Tax
Middlesex Borough’s tax rate for 2023
2.203 Tax Rate – Breakdown is as follows:
0.324 – County Tax
0.029 – County Open Space Tax
1.199 – School Tax
0.621 – Local Municipal Tax
0.030 – Municipal Library Tax
Recent News: Finance and Tax Collector’s Edition
Property tax bills are mailed once a year in July and contain four quarterly payments. Taxes are due on February 1st, May 1st, August 1st, and November 1st with a grace period extending to the 10th of each quarter.
The State of New Jersey does not permit postmark. Tax payments must be received in the Collector’s Office on or before the 10th. However, if the 10th falls on a weekend or Legal Holiday, you have until the next business day to make payment without interest.
Tax bills are to be forwarded upon sale of a property between buyer and seller. Taxpayers are urged to read all the information contained on the front and back of their tax bill. Please Note: According to N.J.S.A. 54:4-64 –“The validity of any tax or assessment, or the time at which it shall be payable, shall not be affected by the failure of a taxpayer to receive a tax bill, but every taxpayer is put on notice to ascertain from the proper official of the taxing district the amount which may be due for taxes or assessments against him or his property.” Failure to receive a tax bill does not relieve the owner from paying taxes. Interest will be applied to all late payments. Please contact this office if you need a copy of your tax bill. Additionally, please notify Collector of Address change by email, mail or fax – forms available on the Forms & Applications page under the “Tax Forms” tab.
Quarterly Tax Payments may be made in the following ways:
Payments may be mailed via USPS. If mailing USPS, please allow 8-10 days to arrive as there are constant delays with mail deliveries.
DUE DATES: February 1st, May 1st, August 1st, and November 1st with a grace period extending to the 10th of each quarter by 4:00 p.m.
**Reminder** Postmarks Not Accepted.Payments may be made online and will post the date they are made. If you choose to pay online please be sure to click all the way through to the end to receive a confirmation number. See "Electronic Payment" on this web page (below).
Please note: Effective 11/15/2020 the eCheck convenience fee will increase to $1.95
Payments may be put in the locked drop box located at the MAIN entrance in the back of the building. This box is permanent and checked several times a day. Payments dropped off after 4:00 p.m. will be posted the next business day. Please put payments in an envelope and indicate if a receipt is needed.
Paying Online: Electronic Payments
Please read the information below before using the Internet to pay taxes to the Borough of Middlesex. If you agree and want to proceed, please click the "PAY ONLINE" button at the bottom of the page to continue with the tax payment process. By continuing this process, you are electronically authorizing this transaction.
This payment process is provided as a convenience by the Borough of Middlesex. When you choose this payment option, you authorize your bank to directly transfer the amount you specify from your checking account to an account for the Borough.
As always, however, the responsibility for ensuring that the Borough actually receives payment of the proper amount in a timely fashion remains with the taxpayer. It's up to you to make sure that all of your information is entered correctly and that money is available in your account to cover the transfer.
You should receive an electronic message confirming your initiation of payment through this online service. If you do not, you should call the Borough of Middlesex Tax Collector's Office.
The Borough of Middlesex makes no representation, guarantee, or warranty as to the accuracy, truthfulness, completeness, currency, or suitability of any content provided on or linked to the tax payment pages and specifically disclaims any and all liability for any claim or damage that may result from using the payment pages.
The Borough of Middlesex provides the tax payment pages to allow payment of taxes over the Internet solely as a convenience to its taxpayers. The Borough is not responsible for the accuracy, truthfulness, completeness, currency, or suitability of any statement, information, data, text, message, or other material posted on or linked to the tax payment pages or for the use or application of any such content. By using the tax payment pages, you represent that you have read and agree to be bound by these terms.
The Borough of Middlesex does not use the information you provide in these payment pages for any purpose other than processing and posting your tax payment. The Borough does not share this information with any person, entity, or organization that is not a party to the transaction. It does not sell the information you provide. It does not "data mine" the information. The Borough may make the information available to customer service and/or support representatives to facilitate your payment processing and inquiries, however.
The Borough of Middlesex is committed to protecting the confidentiality of your account numbers and the other information that you provide. This payment process employs secure servers and encryption (SSL-128) in communications over the Internet. What that means, simply, is that your information is scrambled as it travels across the Internet.
Senior Freeze (Property Tax Reimbursement)
The Senior Freeze Program reimburses eligible senior citizens and disabled persons for property tax or mobile home park site fee increases on their principal residence (main home). To qualify, you must meet all the eligibility requirements for each year from the base year through the application year.
2024 Applications
The Senior Freeze application is now a combined application for New Jersey’s property tax relief programs for homeowners and renters, aged 65, or older or actually receiving Social Security Disability benefits as of December 31, 2024.
Applicants will submit a single application to claim benefits from Senior Freeze, ANCHOR, and the new Stay NJ Program. Eligibility for this benefit is based on residency, income, and age as of 2023 and 2024.
See Property Tax Relief for more details on the new combined application.
Previous Senior Freeze Recipients
If you previously received the Senior Freeze, you will notice some major changes. The application looks different, the income standards have changed, and you will no longer need to calculate your reimbursement since it is a combined application. However, you will still maintain your base year as long as your municipality has not reassessed your property taxes.
Filing Deadline
The deadline for the 2024 application is October 31, 2025.
Link to check Senior Freeze rebate status
Visit the NJ Department of Taxation’s Senior Freeze web page here, or call Senior Freeze (Property Tax Reimbursement) Hotline: 1-800-882-6597.
Stay NJ – Property Tax Relief for Senior Citizens
The Stay NJ program offers property tax benefits to eligible homeowners aged 65 and older. It reimburses applicants for 50% of their property tax bills, up to a maximum of $13,000, with a 2024 benefit cap of $6,500. To qualify, you must have owned and lived in your home for the full 12 months of 2024 and have an income below $500,000. Mobile homeowners are not eligible.
Stay NJ benefits are calculated after ANCHOR and Senior Freeze benefits are determined. Payments are expected to be issued in early 2026.
Eligibility requirements, including income limits, and benefits available for all Property Tax Relief programs are subject to change by the State Budget.
Applicants will submit a single application to claim benefits from Senior Freeze, ANCHOR, and the new Stay NJ program. Eligibility for this benefit is based on residency, income, and age as of 2024.
See Property Tax Relief for more details on the new combined application.
Filing Deadline
The deadline to file is October 31, 2025. Learn More.
Sewer Billing
Ordinance 2067-22 effective September 13, 2022 lowers allowed gallons from 120,000 to 100,000.
Sewer Ordinance 1889-16 has been amended (Ordinance 1970-19) to include interest charges, 8% on the 1st $1500.00 and 18% over $1500.00, on all accounts remaining unpaid 30 days following due date. Past due account balances will also be subject to tax sale pursuant to state statute.
Annual sewer billing is based upon yearly consumption of water as provided to us by NJ American Water. Consumption/usage over 100,000 gallons per meter per calendar year will generate a bill as per Ordinance 2067-22.
Assistance with Water Bills
The State Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) can help you pay arrears for your water and sewer bills. The program may also be able to help address tax liens due to water and sewer arrears. To get more information and apply, go to waterassistance.nj.gov or call NJ211.
The Finance Office is responsible for all financial transactions: accounts payable, payroll, revenue, investments and the issuance of debt. Information available thorough the Finance Office is Audit reports, Annual Debt statements, Annual Financials and budgets. The Finance office monitors spending against adopted budgets for the Borough.
2024: Current Adopted Budget
New Jersey Guide to Property Taxes
This document answers everyday questions homeowners have about how their home’s value is assessed, how their tax bill is created, and where tax dollars get allocated. Select the image below to open the pdf for a comprehensive guide to understanding property taxes.
+ Taxpayer Documents
+ Budgets: 2022-2016
- 2022 Middlesex Borough Adopted Budget
- 2021 Middlesex Borough Adopted Budget
- 2020 Middlesex Borough Adopted Budget
- 2019 Middlesex Borough Adopted Budget
- 2018 Middlesex Borough Budget
- 2017 Middlesex Borough Budget
- 2017 Intro Boro Budget
- 2017 Intro User Friendly Budget
- 2016 Middlesex Borough Budget
+ Annual Debt Statments
- 2024 Annual Debt Statement
- 2023 Annual Debt Statement
- 2022 Annual Debt Statement
- 2021 Annual Debt Statement
- 2020 Annual Debt Statement
+ Yearly Municipal Audits
- 2023 Middlesex Borough Municipal Audit
- 2022 Middlesex Borough Municipal Audit
- 2021 Middlesex Borough Municipal Audit
- 2020 Middlesex Borough Municipal Audit
- 2019 Middlesex Borough Municipal Audit
- 2018 Middlesex Borough Municipal Audit
- 2017 Middlesex Borough Municipal Audits
- 2016 Middlesex Borough Municipal Audits
- 2015 Middlesex Borough Municipal Audits
- 2014 Middlesex Borough Municipal Audits
- 2013 Middlesex Borough Municipal Audits
+ Tax Maps
+ Square Footage
CAROLINE BENSON - Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer
Phone: 732.356.7400 x241
Email: cbenson@middlesexboro-nj.gov
Phone: 732.356.7400 x242
Email: ddelvecchio@middlesexboro-nj.gov
Dawn Guttschall - Tax Assessor
Phone: 732.356.7400 x270
Email: taxassessor@middlesexboro-nj.gov
Taxpayer conferences
Wednesdays from 5:00 to 7:30 pm. (Same-day appointments may be available. Contact the Tax Assessor to inquire.)
Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Summer hours: Memorial Day – Labor Day
Friday 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.