Sunshine Notice: Publish Date January 20, 2021
1200 Mountain Avenue | Middlesex, NJ 08846
The Middlesex Shade Tree Commission will hold their February Meeting on February 18, 2021, as it will be held remotely commencing at 7:30 p.m. Anyone can access the meeting via a telephone with the following call in number and password:
Call in Number: +1 848-220-3300
Password: 561-913
The meeting is open to the public and we ask that public comments or questions be emailed to prior to 3PM on February 18, 2021 so that we can read them aloud into the record. If you have any questions regarding access, please email ahead of the meeting.
Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk
I hereby certify that copies of this notice were mailed to the Courier News, The Star Ledger, and posted to the borough website and posted on the bulletin board in the Municipal Building on January 19, 2021.
Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk
TAKE NOTICE that the Middlesex Shade Tree Commission will hold its monthly meetings at 7:30 p.m. at the Middlesex Municipal Building the second Thursday of each month, except July and August, there will be no meeting held.
If any of the meetings are changed to be a remote meeting due to COVID 19, they will be noticed with a Sunshine Notice, along with notice on the borough website, which will include the call in number information.