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July 10: Mayor's Weekly Update

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Weekly Report from Mayor John L. Madden

Important “Covidview” weekly update for week 26, ending June 27, 2020 from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention: “Nationally, levels of influenza and COVID-19 activity remain lower than peaks seen in March and April but are increasing in most regions.  The percentage of specimens testing positive for SARS – COV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 also increased from last week.  Mortality attributed to COVID-19 decreased compared to last week and is currently at the epidemic threshold but will likely increase as additional death certificates are processed”.

This recent data from the CDC reveals an ominous trend that we all need to understand.  Our residents have been following the CDC guidelines, however, there have been more and more people gathering while ignoring these guidelines.  We all must be vigilant until the virus is completely eradicated.

Middlesex High School Class of 2020 Graduation on July 8, 2020:  I was invited to attend and speak at the graduation ceremony held on the football field.  I was impressed how well organized the entire program was including the filing of the graduates on and off the stage.  Also, the stage area was well constructed with 2 lecterns on either side for the speakers.  Thank you all including Dr. Williams, the Board of Education, staff, sound and video personnel who provided the live streaming, Middlesex Police Department, Middlesex and Milltown Rescue Squad and all those who contributed to a successful graduation.

Please be safe.  Thank you.