June 19: Mayor's Weekly Message
Weekly Message from Mayor John L. Madden
The Borough has had a lot of inquiries about opening the ball fields to “moderate” contact sports, including baseball. Currently, the Governor’s Executive Order allows municipalities, at their discretion, to open up their fields for “moderate” impact sports to practice beginning on June 22. It also requires that the teams and leagues supply to the owner of the fields (the Borough) a written “preparation plan” that covers all of the social distancing and safety requirements that are currently the law in New Jersey. The Executive Order further requires that the owner of the fields approve each plan.
As of this morning, Friday, June 19, we have received only one plan from one team. This will be reviewed as soon as possible. Further, our Joint Insurance Fund (JIF) is requiring both of the above conditions of the Governor’s EO and that the members of the teams/leagues also sign a waiver of liability. We are waiting for the JIF to send us their waiver form. Until we have that waiver, we will not consider allowing any of the fields to open.
We have further asked our JIF for guidance regarding our tennis courts, horseshoe pits, and the flying field.
I apologize for any inconvenience, but these are the requirements of the Governor as well as our insurance company.
Meanwhile, many of the Borough’s great dining establishments are offering outdoor dining opportunities including Kerwin’s, Ellery’s, Carpaccio’s, Vincenzo’s and Ashton’s Brewery (only tastings). I encourage all of our residents to finally enjoy this weather with a nice meal outdoors, or call you’re your favorite restaurant and order curbside pick up to dine on your own patio. Many of our restaurants have no ability to have outdoor seating and they are also worthy of our support and patronage. Middlesex Borough is blessed to have many, many excellent restaurants to choose from and we certainly want to keep it that way.
A lot of people commented to me that the contact list of Borough Department’s that I provided last week was very helpful, so I am going to repeat it again.
Construction: permits, construction fees, inspections, etc.
construction@middlesexboro-nj.gov or 732-356-7400 x247 (Michele Galek, Technical Assistant to the Construction Official)
Public Works: recycling, garbage, roads, sewers, etc.
dpw@middlesexboro-nj.gov or 732-968-1603 (Bob Teutsch, Superintendent)
Recreation: adult and youth programs summer playground, etc.
recreation@middlesexboro-nj.gov or 732-356-7400 x277 (Noreen Wilpiszeski, Director)
Pool Commission: membership, programs, etc.
middlesexpoolnj@gmail.com or 732-752-3366 (Jim Grimm, Director; Mark Kranz, Commission Chair)
Library: digital resources, programs, etc.
cgeorge@middlesexlibrarynj.org or 732-356-6602 (Chrissy George, Director)
Police: traffic, safety, etc.
Administration: for day-to-day operations and management, budget preparation, etc.
mkarrow@middlesexboro-nj.gov or 732-356-7400 x264 Marcia Karrow (Administrator)
Have a great week and be safe!
Mayor John L. Madden
This Week’s Covid 19 Positive Cases:
Saturday, June 13: 0
Sunday, June 14: 0
Monday, June 15: 0
Tuesday, June 16: 1
Wednesday, June 17: 0
Thursday, June 18: 1
Friday, June 19: 0