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Mayor's Message: Lincoln Park Flag Dedication

Mayor's Message: Flag Pole Dedication and Flag Raising Ceremony

This speech was given by Mayor Madden at the Lincoln Park flag raising ceremony on Sunday, June 11th.

"Good morning everyone. Thank you for the honor of your presence here today as we dedicate our new flagpole while we raise our national flag for the very first time at Lincoln Statue Park in Middlesex Borough, New Jersey.

"Honoring our flag is also honoring the men and women who have courageously fought and died for it and also upholding our American values. The flag flies freely today because of all the sacrifices that have made that enduring freedom possible. Our veterans today embody those very same noble causes for which our flag stands – a steadfast beacon which will always unite us.

"As our nation today suffers under the pangs of division and disunity, history has again shown us that our national flag is always with us, a symbol of a cultural icon forged in the fires of adversity, hardship and misfortune. Our flag will always represent a living symbol unifying our citizens through wars and conflict to preserve our unique national identity, freedoms and democracy.

"Our future is inextricably linked by what generations of true immutable history have recorded- let us be reminded that there is no place for revisionist history. Therefore, the cause of human freedom have been forever tied to our flag and it’s survival.

"So on this special day of commemoration of July 11, 2021, we come together in that spirit united in these common beliefs of which we all share- the unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

"Thank You,
Mayor John L. Madden"

Event Announcement

Join us on Sunday, July 11, 2021 at 9:00 am for a Flag Dedication ceremony at Lincoln Park, 687 Lincoln Blvd, Middlesex, NJ.

Refreshments available (coffee, bagels, and water, donated by the Mike Dessino Scholarship Fund). The event is coordinated by the Middlesex Borough Beautification Committee. Rain date July 18.

For more information, contact Bobby Dessino at