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May 29: Mayor's Weekly Message



After three weeks of closure, the Middlesex Borough recycling yard is now open.  There are plenty of staff on hand to assist during busy times. 

Please be advised that bulk coupons must be presented at the gate for utilization of the bulk dumpster.  Although this procedure has always been in effect, due to the abuse of out of town people/contractors coming into the yard to use the service, enforcement is now necessary (as of today 5/29/20).

Residents are allowed one bulk pick up (from their residence) annually and by appointment.  In addition, 3 bulk coupons are mailed to residents each year as well.  Also, a coupon may be used to pick up leaf bags.

Congratulations to Dave Butera for his 33 years of DPW service in the Road Department.  His knowledge in the various area of “construction-type work” has been a valuable resource for the diverse work requirements in the department.  We will miss him.

I would also like to extend a note of appreciation to Sargent Mastrogiovanni on his recent retirement announcement.  He has served for 28 years in the Middlesex Borough Police Department.  As a training supervisor for the various training disciplines within the department, he represents cutting edge procedures not only for the department but also for residents.  I attended an “active shooter” program in which he conducted.  I am not sure if I was more impressed by what I learned or stunned by what I did not know.  Thank you, Sargent, for your contribution.

Finally, I would like to address the current issues regarding the official guidelines for in-person, virtual or drive through graduation ceremonies, Governor Murphy recently announced that drive through ceremonies cannot occur until July 6, 2020.  The Office of the Secretary of Higher Education has authored a document entitled “Opportunity Innovation – a Student Centered Vision for Higher Education consideration for all post-secondary commencement ceremonies – May 27, 2020.”

These guidelines should provide a basis for decisions by New Jersey School Districts how to safely conduct graduation exercises.

Our Governing Body, myself and staff do support in person ceremonies as long as they abide by these guidelines.  The borough is happy to offer our parks and fields (such as Cook Field) for these activities at no cost.  Since the school district is autonomous, we will not interfere with their policies and procedures.  Good luck and congratulations to all graduates and please know you have received an important milestone in your academic life.


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Be safe.  Thank you.

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