Mayor's Message - Winter 2024
Middlesex residents,
2024 has certainly been a busy year. Some of the highlights this year included the following:
- Fully staffing of our Police Department and adding the school resource officer to the High School.
- Construction of a flood wall at Heather Lane to stave off erosion and preserve the neighborhood.
- The streetscape project in front of the High School and Mountainview Park has been completed.
- The Environmental Commission has been reestablished and they have completed a tree farm, a rain garden and established a green team.
- We have purchased a Hydro Rake to clean and maintain Creighton Lake.
- Sale of surplus municipal property.
- We have added a driver to the senior program.
As a start for 2025, we are looking to replace the bathrooms and upgrade the Mountainview Park Grove area, and we are hoping to finalize a plan for Victor Crowell Park.
We held a Town Hall Meeting on October 29, 2024 as a budget kick-off for 2025. A lot of input was given, and we will work on prioritizing what we can and can’t do with budget constraints in mind. One major theme across all fronts was a need to communicate better, and we will work on that. Volunteerism continues to be a challenge and a need.
I would like to congratulate President-elect Donald Trump, Borough Councilmen-elect Joseph DeScenza and Kenneth Griggs Jr. and Board of Education elect Thomas Thornton, Danielle Parenti, Sharon Schueler, Patricia Reynolds and Landette Jefferey for their victories. Best of luck as you strive to make a positive impact on our country and Borough. Each year faces its own set of challenges, however, this time of year we are reminded to be thankful for the blessings we have, large and small. I would like to thank our DPW, Fire, OEM, Rescue Squad, Office Staff and our Police, who 24/7 continue to be here for our residents.
I mentioned volunteerism before and I think it is one of the most important issues in our Borough. Robert F. Smith wrote, “Don’t wait your turn. Bet on yourself and have the confidence to stand up and say, ‘My time is now.’” For Middlesex Borough, our time is now, but we need your help to get there.
My best wishes for a happy and healthy holiday season (I celebrate Christmas) to all and wishes for a brighter 2025 with our economy flourishing, inflation in check, and our businesses open.
Mayor Jack Mikolajczyk