SAVE THE DATE: Middlesex Borough Volunteer Fair May 3rd

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Mayor's Message: Residents Interfacing with Borough Professionals/Attorneys 

Residents may reach out to myself, our Interim Business Administrator Joe Costa or any Council Member for all inquiries they may have. 

Our Middlesex Borough policy regarding direct contact with our Borough attorneys and professionals makes it clear that such contact is prohibited. Doing so will automatically generate an invoice of which the Borough is otherwise responsible for payment. 

In keeping with our conservative fiscal policy, residents can expect the continuation of the success we have enjoyed throughout my term in maintaining a flat municipal property tax position. Although we are not where we need to be to fully fund our surplus yet, we are making steady progress in keeping with the guidelines that Standard and Poors Global (our credit reporting agency) have set out for us. Our staff has also been working diligently to pursue this goal. 

Thank you for your cooperation. 

Mayor John L. Madden