Mayor's Message: The Joint Land Use Board
After attending the Planning Board meetings back in 2018 and 2019, I observed several inconsistencies during the conduct of the meetings namely a lack of communication, unnecessary postponements leading to bottlenecks and general inefficiencies which ultimately needed to be addressed.
Effective, January 1, 2020 the Borough of Middlesex consolidated the Planning and Zoning Board of Adjustment. The new Board is officially known as the Joint Land Use Board (JLUB). There was a need to also replace many of the Planning Board members to effectively reconstitute the new Board into the streamlined organization that we see today.
The change created immediate benefits and efficiencies for the Borough such as reducing the number of monthly meetings from four to now two and eliminating duplication from zoning and planning board requirements. The Borough also saves money by reducing payment of fees to attorneys and professionals. The process for applicants is now substantially streamlined.
Planning Functions
The purpose of the Joint Land Use Board is to ensure compliance and conformity to follow the Master Plan (now in it’s ninth of ten years ) The Master Plan is the road map or blueprint of how the Borough will grow and develop with current land use policies.
The Joint Land Use Board consists of eleven Board Members (nine regular and two alternates), an attorney, engineer, planner, and a board secretary. All eleven Board members are Middlesex Borough residents who volunteer their time and effort while receiving no compensation of any kind. The Joint Land Use Board reviews and approves site plan and subdivision applications. The Board is also tasked with conducting preliminary investigations of areas in need of rehabilitation or redevelopment. Lastly, the Board reviews land use-related ordinances to make sure it is consistent with the Master Plan. The Board will also provide recommendations and advisories to the Mayor and Council on proposed ordinance amendments.
Zoning Functions
The Joint Land Use Board also hears zoning-related matters such as applications for use variances and bulk variances. This occurs when an applicant does not meet all the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and is seeking approval for the deficiencies. For instance, a property owner or tenant may seek a use variance when he/she proposes a use of the property that is prohibited in that specific zone. On the other hand, a property owner may seek a bulk variance for physical improvements to the property that do not comply with the dimensional requirements of the applicable zone such as setback, height, impervious coverage, or other physical requirements. Please keep in mind that the applicant is not entitled to a use or bulk variance. Rather, the burden is on the applicant to prove to the Board that it meets the specific criteria contained in the Municipal Land Use Law (MLUL) and relevant case law.
The Board meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 7 pm typically in council chambers at Borough Hall. However, during the pandemic, meetings are conducted at the Recreation Center.
If you have any questions, please reach out to the Joint Land Use Board Chairman, Michael Conahan at 908-625-8731 or email:
Thank you and please stay safe.
Mayor John L. Madden