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Mayor's Message: The New Kid on the Block

By now most of us, we mere mortals, understand the nature, persistence and tenacity of a virus. One does not need membership in the Mayo Clinic, the CDC, the WHO, the NIH or other medical agencies to see the effects of a constantly-mutating virus that seems transformed into a new species altogether. The question becomes as we attempt to do our due diligence, are we protected by the vaccine for the emergence of one new strain after another? I don’t know about you but I always try to “follow the science”. With so many medical experts spewing advice that number like the various strains of coronavirus, it is confusing as we seek the Nirvana of normal living and our collective livelihood. 

A virus is a very small “germ.” These germs are smaller than bacteria. Due to the evolving nature of viruses, it is always difficult for the medical researchers to constantly come up with quick cures for these buggers since they are constantly mutating into new types of organisms. That is why there is no cure for the common cold, the flu and even warts (yes, they are considered viral). As an interesting note, some virologists and biologists consider viruses to be a separate life form or an organism on the “edge of life.” In other words, they evolve through the process of natural selection. They carry genetic material and reproduce. However they lack a cell structure (considered a necessary characteristic of life). This seems like the stuff that is the basis for science fiction. 


Every year as expected, the “the flu season” has again paid us a visit like clockwork. Flu cases have been steadily rising. Medical experts and health officials have been quietly observing the suspected causal connection between these two viruses. Not surprising, we now have the new variant of this “ twindemic” – the so-called “Flurona” variant. Just what exactly are the potential health implications of this new double dose of infection? Coronavirus and influenza can either or both be fatal. The degree of severity is dependent on the health and sustainability of our immune system. There is general agreement among the medical experts that being fully vaccinated may lessen the severity of the viral symptoms. Also the highly contagious Omicron variant which continues to reach epic proportions of infections raises more concern with the new variant. Those with underlying health conditions are more at risk. 

The mode of transmission occurs through very small aerosolized droplets expelled from coughing, sneezing, singing, speaking – even just breathing. Poorly- fitted masks may be one source of further transmission. Is it any wonder that our recent holiday gatherings have catapulted these high positive numbers? 

Recently, I just received word that two friends who are opposed to vaccines and were very “careful” to avoid the virus by masking are now positive and have symptoms. We must all make personal choices to vaccinate or not, or accept potential government mandates which one may consider an infringement of their right under the Constitution. Yes the controversy rages onward. Let us be mindful of protection for our children, friends, families and especially any gatherings of which we may be a participant. 

I wish all of you peace and good health and always smile with love in your heart. 

Mayor John L. Madden 

P.S. Due to my increasingly difficult schedules and time constraints, I have decided to contribute my message periodically rather than on a weekly basis starting in this New Year. Thank You. 

Scott - Positive Solutions