Mayor's Message: "The Winter of our Discontent"
“The Winter of our Discontent”
Whether you are a Shakespeare fan or not, his famous metaphor may seem applicable in literal terms for this busy snow season. Yes, this recent nor’easter has not only dumped a lot of snow on us but has essentially contributed to the continuing stress of this ceaseless pandemic, back to work and school issues and the general unpleasant breakdown of our livelihood.
However, some important reminders are in order here. With the drifting snow, footing has been tenuous. Take extra precautions when putting out trash, recyclables or your trip to the mailbox. Wear multiple layers of breathable clothing, put on an ample head covering since much heat escapes there. Hydrate well prior to going outside. Drinking water is the best and avoid alcohol. Keep an eye on Fido when outside. Also generators should only be used outdoors and only in well ventilated areas.
Be mindful of shoveling heavy snow and ice. It is tempting to push ourselves to “finish” the job even though we may be winded and tired. The Red Cross reminds us that overexertion when shoveling can bring on a fatal heart attack. By the way this is the leading cause of death in winter.
Our Public Works Department reminds us that snow removal is performed under emergency conditions. Please do not park vehicles on snow covered roadways. In the event of a storm plan early on as to where to park vehicles on your property. When shoveling snow/blowing on sidewalks or driveways please do not discharge back on roadways, sidewalks or other public access areas. Also garbage receptacles and basketball posts should be removed from the roadways or within the right of way.
Declared State of Emergency
Exactly what is this and how can it benefit our residents?
A Governor may believe that a severe or imminent threat of an actual disaster may occur requiring the availability of State Agency assistance. Such assistance may be coordinated with local resources to provide help opening shelters, provide rescue operations, commodities such as food and water assistance, evacuation guidelines and basically giving Emergency Management the options they may need to fully respond to local needs. Other directives during a State of Emergency may include certain facilities to close and limited driving by residents. Essential personnel and First Responders must have unimpeded access to our roads.
Safety and Security
Unfortunately, during a snow storm such as this, please be aware that some unscrupulous characters may be prowling your unlocked vehicle or attempting to break into your home. Before retiring to bed, bring all your key fobs to all your vehicles to your night stand. If you suspect such an incidence is happening hit all your panic buttons then call the police. Yes this may annoy your neighbors but what a deterrent. The bottom line is that we WILL get through all this together.
I want to personally thank our DPW who are performing an exceptional job. Our young crew are getting the best on- the-job training. Thanks also to Mr. Lenny Vidal whose leadership skills makes this Department a shining example for many other towns. Please be safe.
Mayor John L. Madden