Mayor’s Report: December 2022
Yes, it’s official !!
This week, on November 29, 2022, I formally dedicated the new Middlesex Borough Dog Park in a well attended ribbon-cutting ceremony. The park can accommodate small and large dogs separately.
In attendance were members of our Police Department including Chief Matthew Geist, Business Administrator Joe Costa, myself, DPW and Recreation personnel . In addition, council members and residents were there (with their dogs!).
A special thanks go out to our newest Councilman, Mr. Michael Conahan for spearing this project (with Council support) from idea to completion.
Creighton Lake Water Quality Update
Most recent laboratory sampling of E. Coli
Sample from >> Results
Dock near Dam >> 1,203.3 MPN/100ml
Middle Dock >> 1,203.3 MPN/100ml
Walking Bridge (footbridge) >> 410.6 MPN/100ml
Dock near Walking Bridge (footbridge) >> 579.4 MPN/100ml
I also requested an E.Coli sample from Lake Nelson in Piscataway. This required an OPRA request.
Sample Result >> 11.0 MPN/100ml
Again, all 4 samples are unacceptably high. In my opinion, our target should be set at water quality standards for primary contact recreational water (eventual goal) criteria as determined by the EPA, Office of Water 820-F-058. Page 49 (of 69) of the document reveals the estimated illness rates for E. Coli in fresh water which are below consistently tested values at the Creighton Lake.
Table 1. Recommended 2012 RWQC.
Visits from the NJDEP and County Health Department
On November 3, 2022, the NJDEP division of Fish and Wildlife under Mr. Scott Collenberg (Senior Fisheries Biologist) came out to our lake to understand the impact of the large fish kill there last year for an electrofishing survey (capturing and measuring fish, etc.). this was in response to a strong email that I sent to the DEP Commissioner, Mr. Shawn Latorette et al.
Last week, Mickey Gross of the County Health Department, and other health officials there contacted me to determine the non-point contamination source. No sanitary leakage is emanating from our Borough lines according to Mr. Vidal of our DPW. The County will check with Piscataway.
Finally, we had a long virtual meeting late last week including the DEP, NJ American Water, the Borough Administrator, myself and others to discuss a resolve to our situation. Unfortunately, I found the meeting to be non-productive and ineffective. Gathering data, modeling and monitoring will not achieve our goals but prolong the problem. I will continue to put pressure on the responsible party until we reach a satisfactory solution for Middlesex Borough.
Update from Contamination Plume From the Middlesex Sampling Plant
A Department of Army letter went out to residents on or about October 26, 2022 explaining this notification and identifying the water quality constituents within this low concentration plume of (VOC’s). Listed were carbon tetrachloride, chloroform (the breakdown of carbon tet.) and trichloroethylene.
According to this report, approximately 260 properties are listed (from the fact sheet) in lots and blocks. Said properties are identified as simply being located within the boundary of the plume with no suggestion of contaminated private wells. In fact most of these properties are being serviced by public water already.
Horizontal vs. Vertical Movement
According to Mr. Daniel Kennedy, Project Manager for the USACE, there is no current information regarding any horizontal movement of the plume. The vertical movement however has been identified as moving deeper into the bedrock- now measured at about 330 feet. Interestingly, no radiologicals which were prevalent in the MSP have been detected in this plume.
Mr. Kennedy stated that the wells above the plume are not affected but still should have their water tested for contaminants. If contamination is present (at any level), the Dept. of Health should be notified and subsequent testing will be performed. Measures will be taken, either providing bottled water or remediation equipment to be installed for the resident who may most likely be able to hookup to municipal water at no charge.
Properties: Permits Required
This notification subjects the properties who may install a well within the plume to a well and land use restriction requiring them to get a DEP permit and be aware of the limitations associated with the property.
By the way a public meeting was held on August 31, 2020 to present the groundwater investigation findings with a proposed plan to address the contamination.
For any questions or concerns, please contact Mr. Daniel Kennedy directly. His cell number is 917-275-3373.
Thank you.
Mayor John L. Madden