Message from Mayor John L. Madden: Twenty Year Anniversary of 9/11
Among the most horrific events in the history of the United States which forever indelibly changed the collective psyche of all citizens, the 9/11 events showed the world the breadth of the magnitude of carnage and destruction which subsequently unfolded. We were unprepared for what was unleashed upon our nation.
As many of us vividly remember the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963, the 9/11 terror attacks will always be in our thoughts, our hearts and our prayers.
In solemn reflection, so many of our heros’ lives have gone before us all of whom never thought that they would give their last full measure of devotion, compassion and love.
As we commemorate those heros with their unyielding sacrifice, and also those who fell victim to these acts of terror on domestic soil, we pledge that they will always be honored and remembered.
Our Country is unique in that we have always rallied around the stars and stripes in consummate solidarity during these times. It is in our innate proud spirit that Americans can revere the honor of those victims we have never met.
To date, the number of First Responders and Emergency Personnel who immediately interrupted their family activities to provide vital assistance from the many calls for help have far exceeded the number of victims from the towers (2,977).
Human Nature reminds us that languishing in the aftermath of a shocking event such as this is difficult for many to deal with as we must move ahead and channel our core sense of compassion and goodwill with a renewed purpose of family and country.
Twenty precious years have passed now but many may yet be assiduously tethered to what could have been and why it all happened.
Let’s embrace our vigorous spirit of unity, kindness and benevolence which by the Grace of God will always endure.
Thank you.
Mayor John L. Madden