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Mosquito Spray Notification: Monday, Aug. 22

Weather conditions permitting, the Middlesex County Mosquito Extermination Commission will be conducting a truck ULV spray mission for nuisance adult mosquitoes and/or vector control.

  • Municipality: Middlesex

  • Date and Time: Monday, August 22, 2022, 7:00 PM to 11:59 PM.

  • Rain Date: Tuesday, August 23, 2022

  • Location: Areas north of NJ-28 and east of Greenbrook Rd

A map of the spray zone can be viewed here at this link.

The adult mosquito control treatment being conducted to reduce the number of nuisance and/or vector mosquitoes is in compliance with section 9.10 and 9.15 of the New Jersey Pesticide Control Code (N.J.A.C. Title 7, Chapter 30). The mosquito control products used will be those recommended by the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (NJAES), Rutgers University for the control of adult mosquitoes which include: Malathion (Fyfanon ULV®, Atrapa®, or MicroFloMalathion® EPA# 67760-34); Etofenprox (Zenivex®E20, requiring dilution or Zenivex ®E4, RTU, EPA# 2724-807); Prallethrin - Sumithrin (Duet™ EPA# 1021-1795-8329); Deltamethrin (DeltaGard® EPA# 432-1534). All applications will be according to product labeling. For additional information on mosquitoes and adulticiding, contact Dr. Deepak Matadha, Superintendent (NJDEP CPA License #50245B), Middlesex County Mosquito Extermination Commission at 200 Parsonage Rd Edison NJ 08837 at 732-549-0665.

For routine pesticide-related health inquiries, please contact the National Pesticide Information Center, at 1-800-858-7378. For information on pesticide regulations, pesticide complaints and health referrals, contact the New Jersey Pesticide Control Program at 1-609-984-6507. In the case of any pesticide emergency, please contact the New Jersey Poison Information and Education System at 1-800-222-1222. Upon request, the pesticide applicator or applicator business shall provide a resident with notification at least 12 hours prior to the application, except for Quarantine and Disease Vector Control only, when conditions necessitate pesticide applications sooner than that time.

The County Commission's website here provides updated information on time and location of application(s).

Residents can take following precautions to reduce exposure: (1) Pay attention to notices about mosquito insecticide treatments found through newspapers, websites, automated telephone messages or notices distributed by municipal, county or state agencies, (2) Plan your activities to limit time spent outside during times of possible insecticide treatments. Move your pets, their food, and water dishes inside during ULV applications. Also bring clothing and children’s toys inside. Stay back from application equipment, whether in use or not, (3) Whenever possible, remain indoors with windows closed and with window air conditioners on non-vent (closed to the outside air) and window fans turned off during spraying, (4) Avoid direct contact with surfaces that are still wet from pesticide spraying. Do not allow children to play in areas that have been sprayed until they have completely dried (approximately one hour), (5) If you must remain outdoors, avoid eye and skin contact with the spray. If you get spray in your eyes or on your skin, immediately flush and rinse with water, (6) Consult your doctor if you think you are experiencing health effects from the spraying. People who suffer from chemical sensitivities or feel spraying may aggravate a preexisting health condition may consult their physician or local health department.

Middlesex County Mosquito Extermination Commission
200 Parsonage Road
Edison, NJ 08837
Phone: (732) 549-0665