Learn What to Do in a Cardiac or Stroke Emergency
March and April 2023: BYSTANDER, HANDS-ONLY free training programs
Do you know CPR or what to do in a cardiac arrest or stroke situation? Your neighbors do, thanks to the OEM/Library series, “You are the Help Until the Help Arrives," taught by the amazing staff of MedicZero Inc.
In the United States, less than 50% of individuals who go into cardiac arrest in public are given CPR before emergency services arrive.
In response to the growing need for CPR literacy, Middlesex Office of Emergency Management (OEM) and Middlesex Library continue to offer *free* bystander CPR and Stroke recognition classes to ALL Middlesex residents ages 13 and up!
Since its inception in 2022, the OEM/Library program, “You Are the Help until Help Arrives”: Free Training Programs for Bystander Emergency Preparedness,” has trained over 200 Middlesex Borough community members. Those numbers will continue to grow, with two new program sessions offered this spring:
PEDIATRIC TECHNIQUES for CPR, Stroke Recognition, and Choking (Bystander, Hands Only)
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
6:30pm – 8:30pm
Library Community Room
Bystander Hands Only CPR and Stroke Recognition
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
6:30pm – 8:30pm
Library Community Room
All classes are free and limited to Middlesex residents only
Ages 13 yrs and up
Advance registration is REQUIRED
Classes can accommodate up to 55 participants
First come, first served
Snacks will be served
Training is provided by MedicZero, a nonprofit organization of college medical students across the country. With the guidance of board certified and FACEP designated physicians, Medic Zero “seeks to enable bystanders with the confidence to recognize emergencies and initiate care, encourage the delivery of skillful, evidence-based care by providers, and construct community paramedicine initiatives to improve the prehospital landscape.” (https://www.mediczero.org/our-vis)
Feedback from the five emergency preparedness classes that have been offered through this OEM/Library program has been overwhelmingly positive.
“I attended their class in December and highly recommend everyone take this CPR class. The recent injury and recovery of Damar Hamlin is a great example of what can happen if someone is aware of how to use CPR to assist someone who has suffered cardiac arrest. 13 year olds are permitted and I encourage them to attend as well. I am recommending this training to everyone I know!”
“The CPR training class was very informative. I have never taken a hands on CPR class, even though I graduated with a Health Science Degree. Everything was well explained, and presentation was good.”
“Thank you for offering this very much needed course. The presentation and the presenters were wonderful and we loved that there was hands on at the end of the course.”
“This program is another great example of the value that our OEM continues to bring to our residents. I was particularly impressed with the MedicZero team who provides the training. Lastly, a big thank you to our OEM and our Library for collaborating on hosting this program.”
You are the help until help arrives
For every minute that a bystander does not administer CPR, a cardiac arrest victim’s chances of survival decrease 10%. YOU can change that. YOU can be the hero your neighbors, friends, and family need when a cardiac disaster strikes.
Your neighbors know CPR. Shouldn’t you? Register for one of these seminars today. Questions? Email bbenson553@yahoo.com or call the Middlesex Library at (732) 356-6602, ext. 4.
* Participants under 18 must provide written Authorization of Parent/Guardian