Message from Mayor Madden: Safe School Crossing and Road Safety Concerns
Recently, a juvenile on his way to school was hit by a motorist which attempting to cross Bound Brook Rd. (Route 28).
Several close situations also were reported at the crosswalk of Lorraine and Union Avenues in the last few years.
In the latter situation, the NJDOT (New Jersey Department of Transportation) had been called in to investigate the safety of this intersection for safe passage, especially for school children. They determined that a safety upgrade of signage/signaling was needed.
The HAWK Signal
In June 2021, the “Hawk“ signaling project was initiated, completed in August and activated on August 20, 2021, for this intersection.
The Hawk (High-Intensity Activated Cross-Walk) Signal also known as a Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon, is a traffic signal designed to stop traffic with a red signal allowing pedestrians to cross with a walk signal. The signal can automatically detect the presence of pedestrians waiting to cross and will activate the signal. The technology is especially helpful in high-volume roadways. The cost to the Borough is 25% of the electrical cost per annum, or about $12,760.00.
A Course of Action
Regarding the recent accident in front of the high school, Chief Geist quickly reached out to the DOT to again revisit this intersection to determine what additional safety measures can be taken to lessen the possibility of future accidents. On Friday, October 8, A/Captain Craig Comiskey and A/ Sergeant Mark Melchiorre met with NJDOT Division of Traffic and Engineering Supervisor, Syed Kazmi to discuss all options to improve traffic/pedestrian safety measures. These were the recommendations as discussed:
A.) Resubmit the request establishing a 25 MPH School Zone Speed Limit along Rt. 28 between Third Street and Seventh Street while children are present.
B.) Add a left turn signal for eastbound traffic on the pedestrian signal located at Rt. 28 and JFK Drive. This includes an additional signal head installed on the light stanchion for eastbound traffic. The new signal will include a green left turn arrow. The timing of the signal will incorporate a delayed green for westbound traffic. An electronic pedestrian crosswalk indicator will also be added to the existing pedestrian stanchion at the corner of JFK Drive and Rt. 28. This will control pedestrian traffic walking eastbound and westbound along Rt. 28. A work order by NJDOT has already been submitted.
C.) Crosswalk striping will be repainted Rt.28 and JFK Drive and at JFK Drive running parallel to Rt. 28. NJDOT will also add crosswalk striping on Fourth Street and Rt.28 and also at Van Ness Drive and Rt.28.
D.) “Use Crosswalk” signs will be installed at various locations leading to Rt. 28 @ JFK from both the east and west.
E.) Crosswalk advisory signs on Rt. 28 at the pedestrian signal will be replaced with the new MUTCD compliant fluorescent green signs.
F.) It is recommended that exiting Van Nest Drive onto Rt. 28 should be a right turn only. In addition, it is recommended to increase the turning radius for vehicles turning west onto Rt. 28. Our Borough Engineer will evaluate and submit said information to NJDOT.
G.) Several large trees are obstructing the view of the site triangle on the west side of the exit of Van Ness Drive and Rt. 28 and also on the east corner of JFK Drive and Rt. 28. It is recommended that both trees should be removed.
The good news is that NJDOT will immediately have crews there to survey the work next week as many of these proposed projects have already been submitted by NJDOT.
Additional Steps
Lastly, starting on Monday, October 11, 2021, a crossing guard will be assigned to the Rt. 28/JFK crosswalk until further notice. Two variable message boards have already been reprogrammed with “watch for pedestrian” announcements on the approach to the High School from east to west. Unfortunately, jaywalking can never make the safest street any safer.
I want to thank the rapid response of all parties involved including Chief Geist, the Middlesex Borough Police Department, Borough Officials, NJDOT and our School Superintendent, Dr. Williams for pursuing this important course of action.
Please keep our children safe. Thank You.
Mayor John L. Madden