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Sunshine Notices: 2021 (January-December)


The Open Public Meetings Law, which is commonly referred to as the “Sunshine Law,” establishes the right of all citizens to have adequate advance notice of all public meetings and the right to attend meetings at which any business affecting the public is discussed or acted upon. (P.L.1975, c.231 (C.10:4-6))

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date December 28, 2021

Borough of Middlesex | 1200 Mountain Avenue | Middlesex, NJ  08846


In compliance with the "Open Public Meeting Law" P.L. 1975 C231, the following schedule is set for the meetings of Mayor and Council for the year 2022:

  • January 4 (Reorganization), January 25

  • February 8, 22

  • March 15

  • April 12, 26

  • May 10, 24

  • June 14, 28

  • July 26

  • August 23

  • September 13, 27

  • October 11, 25

  • November 22

  • December 20

Regular Meetings commence at 7:00 p.m.

Meetings will be held at the Recreation Center, 1400 Mountain Avenue, Middlesex, New Jersey.

Action may be taken at any meeting above.

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were e-mailed to the Courier News, Star Ledger, borough website, and posted on the bulletin board in the Municipal Building on December 28, 2021.

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

Office of Health Department

TAKE NOTICE that the Middlesex Board of Health will hold its Board meetings the second Thursday of every month in 2022. All meetings will be held at 7:00pm at the Recreation Building, 1400 Mountain Avenue, Middlesex, NJ. This notice is given in compliance with the provisions of Chapter #231, P.L. 1975.

Carmen Modica, Board of Health Secretary

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were sent to the Courier News, Home News, Star Ledger and posted in the Municipal Building on December 10, 2021.

Carmen Modica, Board of Health Secretary

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date December 22, 2021

1200 Mountain Avenue | Middlesex, NJ  08846


TAKE NOTICE that the Middlesex Shade Tree Commission will hold its monthly meetings at 7:30 p.m. at the Middlesex Library Community Room the second Thursday of each month, except July and August, there will be no meeting held. If any of the meetings change to be held remote due to COVID 19, they will be noticed with a Sunshine Notice, along with notice on the borough website, which will include the call in number information.

This notice is given in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 231, P.L. 1975.

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were sent to the Courier News and Star Ledger and posted in the Municipal Building on December 10, 2021

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date December 14, 2021

Borough of Middlesex | 1200 Mountain Avenue | Middlesex, NJ  08846

The Governing Body of the Borough of Middlesex will hold their Public Meeting on Tuesday, December 21, 2021 commencing at 7:00 p.m. in the Recreation Center at 1400 Mountain Avenue, Middlesex, New Jersey. We will be adhering to social distancing rules. Temperatures will be taken upon entering the building and masks must be worn at all times, unless you can provide a doctor’s note stating that you cannot wear a mask. (The medical reason does not need to be provided).

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were mailed to the Courier News, posted on the website and bulletin board in the Municipal Building on December 14, 2021.

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date November 19, 2021

Borough of Middlesex | 1200 Mountain Avenue | Middlesex, NJ  08846

The Governing Body of the Borough of Middlesex will hold their Public Meeting on Tuesday, November 23, 2021commencing at 7:00 p.m. in the Recreation Center at 1400 Mountain Avenue, Middlesex, New Jersey. We will be adhering to social distancing rules. Temperatures will be taken upon entering the building and masks must be worn at all times, unless you can provide a doctor’s note stating that you cannot wear a mask. (The medical reason does not need to be provided).

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were mailed to the Courier News, posted on the website and bulletin board in the Municipal Building on November 19, 2021.

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date November 04, 2021

Borough of Middlesex | 1200 Mountain Avenue | Middlesex, NJ  08846

The Governing Body of the Borough of Middlesex will hold their Public Meeting on Tuesday, November 9, 2021 commencing at 7:00 p.m. in the Recreation Center at 1400 Mountain Avenue, Middlesex, New Jersey. We will be adhering to social distancing rules. Temperatures will be taken upon entering the building and masks must be worn at all times, unless you can provide a doctor’s note stating that you cannot wear a mask. (The medical reason does not need to be provided).

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were mailed to the Courier News, posted on the website and bulletin board in the Municipal Building on November 4, 2021.

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date October 20, 2021

Borough of Middlesex | 1200 Mountain Avenue | Middlesex, NJ  08846

The Governing Body of the Borough of Middlesex will hold their Public Meeting on Tuesday, October 26, 2021 commencing at 7:00 p.m. in the Recreation Center at 1400 Mountain Avenue, Middlesex, New Jersey.    We will be adhering to social distancing rules.  Temperatures will be taken upon entering the building and masks must be worn at all times, unless you can provide a doctor’s note stating that you cannot wear a mask.  (The medical reason does not need to be provided).   

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were mailed to the Courier News, posted on the website and bulletin board in the Municipal Building on October 20, 2021. 

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date October 20, 2021

Borough of Middlesex | Office of Health Department

TAKE NOTICE that the regularly scheduled Board of Health meeting for Thursday, November 4, 2021 has been cancelled. The next meeting will be December 16, 2021.

This notice is given in compliance with the provisions of Chapter #231, P.L. 1975.

Carmen Modica, Board of Health Secretary

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were sent to the Courier News, Home News, Star Ledger and posted in the Municipal Building on October 20, 2021.

Carmen Modica, Board of Health Secretary

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date October 15, 2021

Middlesex Shade Tree Commission | 1200 Mountain Avenue | Middlesex, NJ  08846

The Middlesex Shade Tree Commission has rescheduled their November 11, 2021 Meeting to be held on November 18, 2021 commencing at 7:30 p.m. in the Recreation Center Building at 1400 Mountain Avenue, Middlesex, New Jersey.   

This notice is given in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 231, P.L. 1975. 

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were emailed to the Courier News and Star Ledger posted on the website and bulletin board in the Municipal Building on October 15, 2021.

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date October 8, 2021

Borough of Middlesex | 1200 Mountain Avenue | Middlesex, NJ  08846

The Governing Body of the Borough of Middlesex will hold their Public Meeting on Tuesday, October 12, 2021 commencing at 7:00 p.m. in the Recreation Center at 1400 Mountain Avenue, Middlesex, New Jersey. We will be adhering to social distancing rules. Temperatures will be taken upon entering the building and masks must be worn at all times, unless you can provide a doctor’s note stating that you cannot wear a mask. (The medical reason does not need to be provided). 

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were mailed to the Courier News, posted on the website and bulletin board in the Municipal Building on October 8, 2021.  

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date September 24, 2021

Borough of Middlesex | 1200 Mountain Avenue | Middlesex, NJ  08846

The Governing Body of the Borough of Middlesex will hold their Public Meeting on Tuesday, September 28, 2021 commencing at 7:00 p.m. in the Recreation Center at 1400 Mountain Avenue, Middlesex, New Jersey.    We will be adhering to social distancing rules.  Temperatures will be taken upon entering the building and masks must be worn at all times, unless you can provide a doctor’s note stating that you cannot wear a mask.  (The medical reason does not need to be provided).   

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were mailed to the Courier News, posted on the website and bulletin board in the Municipal Building on September 24, 2021. 

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date September 10, 2021

Middlesex Shade Tree Commission | 1200 Mountain Avenue | Middlesex, NJ  08846

The Middlesex Shade Tree Commission will hold their October 14, 2021 Meeting remotely commencing at 7:30 p.m. Anyone can access the meeting via a telephone with the following call in number and password:

Call in Number:           +1 848-220-3300
Password:                   561-913

The meeting is open to the public and we ask that public comments or questions be emailed to prior to 3PM on October 14, 2021 so that we can read them aloud into the record. You will also be able to speak remotely during the public portion of the meeting. If you have any questions regarding access, please email ahead of the meeting.

This notice is given in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 231, P.L. 1975. 

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were mailed to the Courier News, The Star Ledger, and posted to the borough website and posted on the bulletin board in the Municipal Building on September 10, 2021.

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date September 9, 2021

Borough of Middlesex | 1200 Mountain Avenue | Middlesex, NJ  08846

The Governing Body of the Borough of Middlesex will hold their Public Meeting on Tuesday, September 14, 2021 commencing at 7:00 p.m. in the Recreation Center at 1400 Mountain Avenue, Middlesex, New Jersey. We will be adhering to social distancing rules. Temperatures will be taken upon entering the building and masks must be worn at all times, unless you can provide a doctor’s note stating that you cannot wear a mask. (The medical reason does not need to be provided).

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were mailed to the Courier News, posted on the website and bulletin board in the Municipal Building on September 9, 2021. 

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date September 7, 2021

Borough of Middlesex Joint Land Use Board
1200 Mountain Avenue | Middlesex, NJ  08846


Due to the State of Emergency the regularly scheduled Joint Land Use Board meeting for Wednesday September 8, 2021 has been cancelled. All items have been carried to the September 22, 2021 meeting which will take place at the Recreation Center, 1400 Mountain Ave. at 7pm. The following applications will be carried to the September 22nd meeting at 7pm:

  • JLUB 2021-008 – Side and Front Yard Setback variance
    Julie McGuire | 32 Louis Ave
    Block 81 Lot 9

  • JLUB 2021-009 – Front Yard Setback variance
    Rosario Badalamenti | 207 Harris Ave
    Block 180 Lot 5

  • JLUB 2021-005 – Major Preliminary and Final Site Plan
    Reagent | 5 Factory Lane
    Block 350 Lot 1

No further notice will be provided.

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date August 23, 2021

Middlesex Shade Tree Commission | 1200 Mountain Avenue | Middlesex, NJ  08846

The Middlesex Shade Tree Commission will hold their September 9, 2021 Meeting remotely commencing at 7:30 p.m. Anyone can access the meeting via a telephone with the following call in number and password: 

Call in Number:           +1 848-220-3300
Password:                   561-913

The meeting is open to the public and we ask that public comments or questions be emailed to prior to 3PM on September 9, 2021 so that we can read them aloud into the record.  You will also be able to speak remotely during the public portion of the meeting.  If you have any questions regarding access, please email ahead of the meeting. 

This notice is given in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 231, P.L. 1975. 

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were mailed to the Courier News, The Star Ledger, and posted to the borough website and posted on the bulletin board in the Municipal Building on August 23, 2021. 

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date August 17, 2021

Borough of Middlesex | 1200 Mountain Avenue | Middlesex, NJ  08846

The Governing Body of the Borough of Middlesex will hold their Public Meeting on Tuesday, August 24, 2021 commencing at 7:00 p.m. in the Recreation Center at 1400 Mountain Avenue, Middlesex, New Jersey. We will be adhering to social distancing rules. Temperatures will be taken upon entering the building and masks must be worn at all times, unless you can provide a doctor’s note stating that you cannot wear a mask. (The medical reason does not need to be provided).

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were mailed to the Courier News, posted on the website and bulletin board in the Municipal Building on August 17, 2021.

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date August 13, 2021

Office of Health Department

2021 Amending Meeting Notice

TAKE NOTICE that the Middlesex Board of Health has amended the September and December meeting dates for 2021, effective immediately. The new dates are amended as follows:

  • Thursday, September 9 is now Thursday, September 16

  • Thursday, December 9 is now Thursday, December 16

This notice is given in compliance with the provisions of Chapter #231, P.L. 1975.

Carmen Modica, Board of Health Secretary

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were sent to the Courier News, Home News, Star Ledger and posted in the Municipal Building on August 13, 2021.

Carmen Modica, Board of Health Secretary

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date July 6, 2021

1200 Mountain Avenue | Middlesex, NJ  08846

In compliance with the “Open Public Meeting Law” P.L. 1975 C231, the Governing Body of Middlesex Borough had originally scheduled a Regular Meeting to be held on Tuesday, July 27, 2021 at 7PM. All Borough residents are invited to the meeting.

The meeting will now be held by Zoom. Anyone can access the meeting with the attached link or via a telephone with the following call in number and password. View this event on the website Calendar here.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 994 6797 6186
Passcode: 368448
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,99467976186#,,,,*368448# US (Washington DC)
+13126266799,,99467976186#,,,,*368448# US (Chicago)

Dial by your location
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)

Meeting ID: 994 6797 6186
Passcode: 368448
Find your local number:

The meeting is open to the public and we ask that public comments or questions be emailed to prior to 3:00 p.m. on July 27, 2021 so that we can read them aloud into the record. If you have any questions regarding access, please email ahead of the meeting.

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were mailed to the Courier News, The Star Ledger, and posted on the website and bulletin board in the Municipal Building on July 6, 2021.

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date June 29, 2021

Office of Health Department

TAKE NOTICE that the regularly scheduled Board of Health meeting for Thursday, July 8, 2021 has been cancelled. The next meeting will be August 12, 2021.

This notice is given in compliance with the provisions of Chapter #231, P.L. 1975.

Carmen Modica, Board of Health Secretary

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were sent to the Courier News, Home News, Star Ledger and posted in the Municipal Building on June 29, 2021

Carmen Modica, Board of Health Secretary

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date June 25, 2021

Borough of Middlesex | 1200 Mountain Avenue | Middlesex, NJ  08846

The Governing Body of the Borough of Middlesex will hold their Public Meeting on Tuesday, June 29, 2021 commencing at 7:00 p.m. in the Recreation Center at 1400 Mountain Avenue, Middlesex, New Jersey. We will be adhering to social distancing rules. Temperatures will be taken upon entering the building and masks must be worn at all times, unless you can provide a doctor’s note stating that you cannot wear a mask. (The medical reason does not need to be provided).

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were mailed to the Courier News, posted on the website and bulletin board in the Municipal Building on June 25, 2021.

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date June 16 2021

Borough of Middlesex | 1200 Mountain Avenue | Middlesex, NJ  08846

The Governing Body of the Borough of Middlesex will hold a Special Remote Meeting on Friday, June 18, 2021 at 3 PM to approve a resolution to Execute an Assignment and Assumption of Financial Agreement by, and between, 150 Lincoln Boulevard Urban Renewal, LLC as the Assignor, and Living Lofts Urban Renewal LLC and RK Middlesex Urban Renewal LLC, as the Assignees, and the Borough of Middlesex, Relating to Property designated as Block 348, Lot 1.01 on the Official Tax Maps of the Borough.  Anyone can access the meeting via a telephone with the following call in number and password:

Call in Number:           +1 848-220-3300
Password:                   561-913

The meeting is open to the public and we ask that public comments or questions be emailed to prior to 2:00 p.m. on June 18, 2021 so that we can read them aloud into the record.  If you have any questions regarding access, please email ahead of the meeting.

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were mailed to the Courier News, posted on the website and bulletin board in the Municipal Building on June 16, 2021.

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date June 16 2021
Borough of Middlesex | 1200 Mountain Avenue | Middlesex, NJ  08846

Special Meeting | REMOTE TELEPHONE MEETING | JUNE 18, 2021 – 3 PM

The Governing Body of the Borough of Middlesex will hold a Special Remote Meeting on Friday, June 18, 2021 at 3 PM to approve a resolution to Execute an Assignment and Assumption of Financial Agreement by, and between, 150 Lincoln Boulevard Urban Renewal, LLC as the Assignor, and Living Lofts Urban Renewal LLC and RK Middlesex Urban Renewal LLC, as the Assignees, and the Borough of Middlesex, Relating to Property designated as Block 348, Lot 1.01 on the Official Tax Maps of the Borough.  Anyone can access the meeting via a telephone with the following call in number and password:

Call in Number:           +1 848-220-3300
Password:                   561-913 

The meeting is open to the public and we ask that public comments or questions be emailed to prior to 2PM on June 18, 2021 so that we can read them aloud into the record, and you will also be instructed during the public portion how to make comments on the record.  If you have any questions regarding access, please email ahead of the meeting.

Sincerely yours,
Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date June 10 2021

Borough of Middlesex | 1200 Mountain Avenue | Middlesex, NJ  08846

The Governing Body of the Borough of Middlesex will hold their Public Meeting on Tuesday, June 15, 2021 commencing at 7:00 p.m. in the Recreation Center at 1400 Mountain Avenue, Middlesex, New Jersey. We will be adhering to social distancing rules. Temperatures will be taken upon entering the building and masks must be worn at all times, unless you can provide a doctor’s note stating that you cannot wear a mask. (The medical reason does not need to be provided).

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were mailed to the Courier News, posted on the website and bulletin board in the Municipal Building on June 10, 2021.

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date May 28, 2021

1200 Mountain Avenue | Middlesex, NJ  08846

The Middlesex Shade Tree Commission will hold their June 10, 2021 Meeting remotely commencing at 7:30 p.m. Anyone can access the meeting via a telephone with the following call in number and password:

Call in Number: +1 848-220-3300
Password:        561-913
View this event on the Calendar here

The meeting is open to the public and we ask that public comments or questions be emailed to prior to 3PM on June 10, 2021 so that we can read them aloud into the record.  If you have any questions regarding access, please email ahead of the meeting.

This notice is given in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 231, P.L. 1975.

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were mailed to the Courier News, The Star Ledger, and posted to the borough website and posted on the bulletin board in the Municipal Building on May 28, 2021.

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date May 21, 2021

Office of Health Department
Borough of Middlesex | 1200 Mountain Avenue | Middlesex, NJ  08846
View this notice as a PDF file here

TAKE NOTICE that the Middlesex Board of Health has amended the 2021 meeting schedule, effective immediately. Meetings are now being held in person at the Recreation Building, 1400 Mountain Avenue, Middlesex, NJ at 7:00pm on the second Thursday of the month as listed below. The November meeting will be held on November 4th since Borough offices will be closed on November 11th in observance of Veteran’s Day.

  • Thursday, June 10

  • Thursday, July 8

  • Thursday, August 12

  • Thursday, September 9

  • Thursday, October 14

  • Thursday, November 4 (due to holiday on November 11)

  • Thursday, December 9

This notice is given in compliance with the provisions of Chapter #231, P.L. 1975.

Carmen Modica, Deputy Registrar

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were sent to the Courier News, Home News, Star Ledger and posted in the Municipal Building on May 21, 2021.

Carmen Modica, Deputy Registrar

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date May 20, 2021

Borough of Middlesex | 1200 Mountain Avenue | Middlesex, NJ  08846

The Governing Body of the Borough of Middlesex will hold their Public Meeting on Tuesday, May 25, 2021 commencing at 7:00 p.m. in the Recreation Center at 1400 Mountain Avenue, Middlesex, New Jersey. We will be adhering to social distancing rules. Temperatures will be taken upon entering the building and masks must be worn at all times, unless you can provide a doctor’s note stating that you cannot wear a mask. (The medical reason does not need to be provided).

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were mailed to the Courier News, posted on the website and bulletin board in the Municipal Building on May 20, 2021.

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date May 13, 2021

1200 Mountain Avenue | Middlesex, NJ  08846


The Middlesex Shade Tree Commission has rescheduled its meeting that was originally scheduled to be held on May 13, 2021.  They will hold this meeting remotely commencing at 7:30 p.m. on May 20, 2021.  Anyone can access the meeting via a telephone with the following call in number and password:

Call in Number: +1 848-220-3300
Password:        561-913
View this event on the Calendar here

The meeting is open to the public and we ask that public comments or questions be emailed to prior to 3PM on May 20, 2021 so that we can read them aloud into the record.  If you have any questions regarding access, please email ahead of the meeting.

This notice is given in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 231, P.L. 1975.

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were mailed to the Courier News, The Star Ledger, and posted to the borough website and posted on the bulletin board in the Municipal Building on May 13, 2021.

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date May 5, 2021

Borough of Middlesex | 1200 Mountain Avenue | Middlesex, NJ  08846

The Governing Body of the Borough of Middlesex will hold their Public Meeting on Tuesday, May 11, 2021 commencing at 7:00 p.m. in the Recreation Center at 1400 Mountain Avenue, Middlesex, New Jersey. We will be adhering to social distancing rules. Temperatures will be taken upon entering the building and masks must be worn at all times, unless you can provide a doctor’s note stating that you cannot wear a mask. (The medical reason does not need to be provided).

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were mailed to the Courier News, posted on the website and bulletin board in the Municipal Building on May 5, 2021.

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date April 20, 2021

1200 Mountain Avenue | Middlesex, NJ  08846

In compliance with the “Open Public Meeting Law” P.L. 1975 C231, the Governing Body of Middlesex Borough had originally scheduled a Regular Meeting to be held on Tuesday, April 27, 2021 at 7PM. All Borough residents are invited to the meeting.

The meeting will now be held by Zoom.Anyone can access the meeting with the attached link or via a telephone with the following call in number and password. View this event on the website Calendar here.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 967 9905 4790
Passcode: 198599
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,96799054790#,,,,*198599# US (Chicago)
+16465588656,,96799054790#,,,,*198599# US (New York)

Dial by your location
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

Meeting ID: 967 9905 4790
Passcode: 198599
Find your local number:

The meeting is open to the public and we ask that public comments or questions be emailed to prior to 3:00 p.m. on April 27, 2021 so that we can read them aloud into the record. If you have any questions regarding access, please email ahead of the meeting.

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were mailed to the Courier News, The Star Ledger, and posted on the website and bulletin board in the Municipal Building on April 20, 2021.

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date April 14, 2021

1200 Mountain Avenue | Middlesex, NJ  08846

The Middlesex Shade Tree Commission will hold their May 13, 2021 Meeting remotely commencing at 7:30 p.m. Anyone can access the meeting via a telephone with the following call in number and password:

Call in Number: +1 848-220-3300
Password:        561-913
View this event on the Calendar here

The meeting is open to the public and we ask that public comments or questions be emailed to prior to 3PM on May 13, 2021 so that we can read them aloud into the record.  If you have any questions regarding access, please email ahead of the meeting.

This notice is given in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 231, P.L. 1975.

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were mailed to the Courier News, The Star Ledger, and posted to the borough website and posted on the bulletin board in the Municipal Building on April 12, 2021.

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date April 8, 2021

1200 Mountain Avenue | Middlesex, NJ  08846

In compliance with the “Open Public Meeting Law” P.L. 1975 C231, the Governing Body of Middlesex Borough had originally scheduled a Regular Meeting to be held on Tuesday, April 13, 2021 at 7PM. All Borough residents are invited to the meeting. View this event on the website Calendar here.

The meeting will now be held by Zoom.  Anyone can access the meeting with the attached link or via a telephone with the following call in number and password.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 914 2424 5147
Passcode: 490492
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,91424245147#,,,,*490492# US (New York)
+13017158592,,91424245147#,,,,*490492# US (Washington DC)

Dial by your location
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

Meeting ID: 914 2424 5147
Passcode: 490492
Find your local number:

The meeting is open to the public and we ask that public comments or questions be emailed to prior to 3:00 p.m. on April 13, 2021 so that we can read them aloud into the record.If you have any questions regarding access, please email ahead of the meeting.

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were mailed to the Courier News, The Star Ledger, and posted on the website and bulletin board in the Municipal Building on April 8, 2021.

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date April 1, 2021

1200 Mountain Avenue | Middlesex, NJ  08846

The Middlesex Shade Tree Commission will hold their their April 8, 2021 Meeting remotely commencing at 7:30 p.m. Anyone can access the meeting via a telephone with the following call in number and password:

Call in Number: +1 848-220-3300
Password:        561-913
View this event on the Calendar here

The meeting is open to the public and we ask that public comments or questions be emailed to prior to 3PM on April 8, 2021 so that we can read them aloud into the record. If you have any questions regarding access, please email ahead of the meeting.

This notice is given in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 231, P.L. 1975.

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were mailed to the Courier News, The Star Ledger, and posted to the borough website and posted on the bulletin board in the Municipal Building on March 19, 2021.

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date March 23, 2021

Office of Health Department
Borough of Middlesex | 1200 Mountain Avenue | Middlesex, NJ  08846
View this notice as a PDF file here

TAKE NOTICE that the Middlesex Board of Health has amended the 2021 meeting schedule, effective immediately. Board of Health 2021 meetings will be on the second Thursday of every month. The November meeting will be held on November 4th since Borough offices will be closed on November 11 in observance of Veteran's Day. Until further notice, all meetings will be held at 7:00pm via Zoom.

This notice is given in compliance with the provisions of Chapter #231 , P.L. 1975.

Carmen Modica, Deputy Registrar

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were sent to the Courier News, Home News, Star Ledger and posted in the Municipal Building on March 23, 2021.

Carmen Modica, Deputy Registrar

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date March 19, 2021

Borough of Middlesex | 1200 Mountain Avenue | Middlesex, NJ  08846

In compliance with the “Open Public Meeting Law” P.L. 1975 C231, the Governing Body of Middlesex Borough had originally scheduled a Remote Regular Meeting to be held on Tuesday, March 23, 2021 at 7PM. All Borough residents are invited to the meeting.

The meeting will now be held by Zoom. Anyone can access the meeting with the attached link or via a telephone with the following call in number and password.Anyone can access the meeting with the attached link or via a telephone with the following call in number and password.

Join Zoom Meeting on March 23, 2021 at 7PM

    Meeting ID:
    927 6941 9700
    Passcode: 937762
    One tap mobile
    +16465588656,,92769419700#,,,,*937762# US (New York)
    +13126266799,,92769419700#,,,,*937762# US (Chicago)

  • Dial by your location
    +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
    +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
    +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
    +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
    +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
    +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)

  • Meeting ID: 927 6941 9700
    Passcode: 937762
    Find your local number:

View this meeting on the website Calendar here

The meeting is open to the public and we ask that public comments or questions be emailed to prior to 3:00 p.m. on March 23, 2021 so that we can read them aloud into the record.  If you have any questions regarding access, please email ahead of the meeting.

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were mailed to the Courier News, The Star Ledger, and posted on the website and bulletin board in the Municipal Building on March 19, 2021.

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date March 4, 2021

Borough of Middlesex | 1200 Mountain Avenue | Middlesex, NJ  08846

In compliance with the “Open Public Meeting Law” P.L. 1975 C231, the Governing Body of Middlesex Borough had originally scheduled a Remote Regular Meeting to be held on Tuesday, March 9, 2021 at 7PM. All Borough residents are invited to the meeting.

The meeting will now be held by Zoom. Anyone can access the meeting with the attached link or via a telephone with the following call in number and password.

Join Zoom Meeting on March 9, 2021 at 7PM

    Meeting ID: 947 1712 3166
    Passcode: 269778

    One tap mobile
    +13126266799,,94717123166#,,,,*269778# US (Chicago)
    +16465588656,,94717123166#,,,,*269778# US (New York)

  • Dial by your location
    +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
    +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
    +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
    +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
    +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
    +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

  • Meeting ID: 947 1712 3166
    Passcode: 269778
    Find your local number:

View this meeting on the website Calendar here

The meeting is open to the public and we ask that public comments or questions be emailed to prior to 3:00 p.m. on March 9, 2021 so that we can read them aloud into the record. If you have any questions regarding access, please email ahead of the meeting.

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were mailed to the Courier News, The Star Ledger, and posted on the website and bulletin board in the Municipal Building on March 4, 2021.

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date March 4, 2021

Borough of Middlesex | 1200 Mountain Avenue | Middlesex, NJ  08846

The Middlesex Board of Health will hold Special Meeting on Thursday, March 11, 2021 at 7:00 P.M. to discuss:



  3. Update on Communications with Middlesex County regarding services

  4. 2021 Budget and 2021 Contract Update

  5. Revised 2021 Meeting Schedule

  6. Volunteer Recording Secretary

The meeting will now be held remotely via Zoom. Anyone can access the meeting via the following link, Meeting ID and Passcode.
Meeting ID: 999 5118 4363
Passcode: 358701
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,99951184363#,,,,*358701# US (New York)

View this meeting on the website Calendar here

The meeting is open to the public and we ask that public comments or questions be emailed to prior to 4PM on March 11, 2021 so that we can read them aloud into the record. If you have any questions regarding access, please email ahead of the meeting.

Carmen Modica, Deputy Registrar

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were mailed to the Courier News, The Star Ledger, and posted to the borough website and posted on the bulletin board in the Municipal Building on March 4, 2021.

Carmen Modica, Deputy Registrar

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date February 25, 2021

Borough of Middlesex | 1200 Mountain Avenue | Middlesex, NJ  08846

In compliance with the “Open Public Meeting Law” P.L. 1975 C231, this notice is to amend the February 10, 2021 Sunshine notice for the Cultural & Heritage Committee meeting to now be held at the Middlesex Recreation Center, 1400 Mountain Avenue, Middlesex, NJ on Thursday, March 4, 2021 at 7:00 P.M. All Borough residents are invited to attend the meeting.

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were mailed to the Courier News, The Star Ledger, and posted on the website and bulletin board in the Municipal Building on February 25, 2021.

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date February 24, 2021

1200 Mountain Avenue | Middlesex, NJ  08846

The Middlesex Shade Tree Commission will hold their March 11, 2021 Meeting remotely commencing at 7:30 p.m. Anyone can access the meeting via a telephone with the following call in number and password:

Call in Number: +1 848-220-3300
Password:        561-913
View this event on the Calendar here

The meeting is open to the public and we ask that public comments or questions be emailed to prior to 3PM on March 11, 2021 so that we can read them aloud into the record.  If you have any questions regarding access, please email ahead of the meeting.

This notice is given in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 231, P.L. 1975.

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were mailed to the Courier News, The Star Ledger, and posted to the borough website and posted on the bulletin board in the Municipal Building on February 23, 2021.

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date February 19, 2021

Borough of Middlesex
FEBRUARY 23, 2021 – 7PM

In compliance with the “Open Public Meeting Law” P.L. 1975 C231, the Regular Meeting of the Governing Body for Tuesday, February 23, 2021 will be a remote meeting. Anyone can access the meeting via a telephone with the following call in number and password:

Call in Number: +1 848-220-3300
Password: 561-913
View this meeting on the Calendar here

The meeting is open to the public and we ask that public comments or questions be emailed to prior to 3PM on February 23, 2021 so that we can read them aloud into the record, and you will also be instructed during the public portion how to make comments on the record. If you have any questions regarding access, please email ahead of the meeting.

Sincerely yours,
Linda Chismar, RMC
Borough Clerk

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date February 16, 2021

Borough of Middlesex | 1200 Mountain Avenue | Middlesex, NJ 08846

In compliance with the “Open Public Meeting Law” P.L. 1975 C231, there will be a remote meeting on Tuesday March 2, 2021 at 7:00 P.M. for the Middlesex Borough Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee regarding the use of HUD grant money.. All Borough residents are invited to the remote meeting. Anyone can access the meeting via a telephone with the following call in number and password:

Call in Number: +1 848-220-3300
Password: 561-913
View this meeting on the Calendar here

The meeting is open to the public and we ask that public comments or questions be emailed to prior to 3:00 p.m. on March 2, 2021 so that we can read them aloud into the record.  If you have any questions regarding access, please email ahead of the meeting.

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were mailed to the Courier News, The Star Ledger, and posted on the website and bulletin board in the Municipal Building on February 9, 2021.

    Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date February 5, 2021

Borough of Middlesex
FEBRUARY 9, 2021 – 7PM

The February 9, 2021 Meeting of the Governing Body of Middlesex Borough will now be held remotely commencing at 7PM.  Anyone can access the meeting via a telephone with the following call in number and password:

Call in Number: +1 848-220-3300
Password: 561-913
View this meeting on the Calendar here

The meeting is open to the public and we ask that public comments or questions be emailed to prior to 3PM on February 9, 2021 so that we can read them aloud into the record.  If you have any questions regarding access, please email ahead of the meeting.

This notice is given in compliance with the provisions of Chapter #231, P.L. 1975. 

Sincerely yours,
Linda Chismar, RMC
Borough Clerk

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date January 25, 2021

Borough of Middlesex | 1200 Mountain Avenue | Middlesex, NJ 08846

In compliance with the “Open Public Meeting Law” P.L. 1975 C231, there will be a remote meeting on Thursday, February 4, 2021 at 7:00 P.M. for the Middlesex Borough Cultural & Heritage Committee. All Borough residents are invited to the remote meeting. Anyone can access the meeting via a telephone with the following call in number and password:

Call in Number: +1 848-220-3300
Password: 561-913
View this meeting on the Calendar here

The meeting is open to the public and we ask that public comments or questions be emailed to prior to 3:00 p.m. on February 4, 2021 so that we can read them aloud into the record. If you have any questions regarding access, please email ahead of the meeting.

Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were mailed to the Courier News, The Star Ledger, and posted on the website and bulletin board in the Municipal Building on January 25, 2021.

    Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date January 25, 2021

Borough of Middlesex | 1200 Mountain Avenue | Middlesex, NJ 08846

In compliance with the “Open Public Meeting Law” P.L. 1975 C231, there will be a remote meeting on Tuesday February 2, 2021 at 7:00 P.M. for the Middlesex Borough Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee regarding the use of HUD grant money. All Borough residents are invited to the remote meeting. Anyone can access the meeting via a telephone with the following call in number and password:

The meeting is open to the public and we ask that public comments or questions be emailed to prior to 3:00 p.m. on February 2, 2021 so that we can read them aloud into the record. If you have any questions regarding access, please email ahead of the meeting.

                                                                        Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were mailed to the Courier News, The Star Ledger, and posted on the website and bulletin board in the Municipal Building on January 25, 2021.

                                                                        Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date January 22, 2021

Office of Health Department

TAKE NOTICE that the Middlesex Board of Health February 11, 2021 meeting will now be held remotely commencing at 7:00 p.m. Anyone can access the meeting via a telephone with the following call in number and password:

Call in Number:           +1 848-220-3300
Password:                   561-913

The meeting is open to the public and we ask that public comments or questions be emailed to prior to 3PM on February 11, 2021 so that we can read them aloud into the record. If you have any questions regarding access, please email ahead of the meeting.

This notice is given in compliance with the provisions of Chapter #231, P.L. 1975.

                                                                        Carmen Modica
                                                                        Board of Health Secretary

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were sent to the Courier News, Home News, Star Ledger and posted in the Municipal Building on January 22, 2021.

                                                                        Carmen Modica
                                                                        Board of Health Secretary

Notice: Publish Date January 21, 2021

JANUARY 26, 2021 – 7PM

The Governing Body of Middlesex Borough had originally scheduled a Regular Meeting to be held on Tuesday, January 26, 2021 at 7PM in the Middlesex Borough Municipal Building, 1200 Mountain Avenue, Middlesex, NJ.

The meeting will now be held remotely.  Anyone can access the meeting via a telephone with the following call in number and password. 

Call in Number:           +1 848-220-3300
Password:                   561-913

The meeting is open to the public and we ask that public comments or questions be emailed to prior to 2PM on January 26, 2021 so that we can read them aloud into the record.  If you have any questions regarding access, please email ahead of the meeting.

Sincerely yours, 

Linda Chismar, RMC
Borough Clerk 

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date January 21, 2021

Borough of Middlesex | County of Middlesex, NJ
1200 Mountain Avenue | Middlesex, NJ  08846
January 26, 2021 @  6:00 p.m.

Remote Special Executive Meeting

Please note that the Governing Body will hold a Special Executive Session Meeting to be held remotely on Tuesday, January 26, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. to interview for the position of DPW Superintendent.

This will be held remotely and anyone can access the public comment portion of the meeting via a telephone with the following call in number and password:

Call in Number:           +1 848-220-3300
Password:                   561-913

                                                                        Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

The meeting will open to the public for public comments and we ask that public comments or questions be emailed to prior to 2PM on January 26, 2021 so that we can read them aloud into the record.  Please reflect that your comments are in regard to the Special Executive Session Meeting.  If you have any questions regarding access, please email ahead of the meeting.

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were e-mailed to the Courier News, Star Ledger, posted on the Borough website and on the bulletin board in the Municipal Building on January 20, 2021.

                                                                        Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

Sunshine Notice: Publish Date January 20, 2021

1200 Mountain Avenue | Middlesex, NJ  08846

The Middlesex Shade Tree Commission will hold their February Meeting on February 18, 2021, as it will be held remotely commencing at 7:30 p.m. Anyone can access the meeting via a telephone with the following call in number and password:

Call in Number: +1 848-220-3300
Password:        561-913
View this event on the Calendar here

The meeting is open to the public and we ask that public comments or questions be emailed to prior to 3PM on February 18, 2021 so that we can read them aloud into the record. If you have any questions regarding access, please email ahead of the meeting.

                                                                        Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were mailed to the Courier News, The Star Ledger, and posted to the borough website and posted on the bulletin board in the Municipal Building on January 19, 2021.

                                                                        Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

Public Notice: Publish Date January 14, 2021


The Governing Body of the Borough of Middlesex will hold a Special Remote Executive Meeting on Tuesday, January 19, 2021 commencing at 4:00 p.m. to discuss the following items:

Potential Litigation:

  1. Remote Public Meetings

  2. 150 Lincoln Boulevard

  3. 242 Lincoln Boulevard

Contract Negotiations:

  1. DPW Contract

  2. White Collar Contract

  3. Rescue Squad Lease


  1. DPW Superintendent

  2. Recreation Director

  3. Director of Senior & Disabled Services/Potential Stipend

Action will not be taken.

This will be held remotely and anyone can access only the public portion of this meeting via a telephone with the following call in number and password:

Call in Number: +1 848-220-3300
Password: 561-913
Link to the Calendar Event here

We ask that public comments or questions be emailed to prior to 2PM on January 19, 2021 so that we can read them aloud into the record. If you have any questions regarding access, please email ahead of the meeting.

                                                                        Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

I hereby certify that copies of this notice were mailed to the Courier News, posted on the website and bulletin board in the Municipal Building on January 14, 2021.

                                                                        Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk

Public Notice: Publish Date January 4, 2021

The Middlesex Community Pool 
1200 Mountain Ave | Middlesex, NJ 08846 
January 1, 2021


In compliance with the Open Public Meeting Law PL 1975,C.231, the following schedule is set for the meetings of the Swim Pool Commission during 2021:

Meetings are held every third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Middlesex Public Library with the exception of May, June, July, August, and September, which are held at the Middlesex Community Pool.


Swim Pool Commission meetings will be held every third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. The following dates are scheduled for the meetings:

  • January 20, at Library

  • February 17, at Library

  • March 17, at Library

  • April 21, at Library

  • May 19, at Pool

  • June 16, at Pool

  • July 21, at Pool

  • August 18, at Pool

  • September 15, at Pool

  • October 20, at Library

  • November 17, at Library

  • December 15, at Library

I hereby certify that the following newspapers were mailed copies of this notice: The Star-Ledger, and The Courier News; and said notice were posted on the bulletin board of the Municipal Building on January 1, 2021.

                                                                        Katie (Bird) Young, Secretary
                                                                        Swim Pool Commission

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