Voting information for Borough of Middlesex residents
As per Governor Murphy’s Executive Order no. 177, Middlesex County voters have automatically received a vote by mail ballot for the general election. In person polling locations are available for voters requiring special assistance or for the casting of provisional (paper) ballot only. There will be no voting machines for the general public’s use.
All voters can return their ballot via USPS in the postage paid envelope which was provided, drop off at the Board of Elections in East Brunswick before 8pm on 11/3, return the ballot to the secure election drop box behind the municipal building by 8pm on 11/3 or submit your completed and sealed ballot to your assigned polling location in-person on election day (11/3) by 8pm. (You are prohibited from submitting another individuals ballot at the polling location). You can also bring your ballot to any of the 31 secure ballot drop boxes in Middlesex County listed on the Borough website under ‘New Jersey Votes’ by 8pm on 11/3. ( and click on the Vote 2020 link to visit the County webpage – secure drop box locations (
If you wish to vote Provisional (paper ballot that you manually fill out – no voting machines) there are three locations, and we request that you go to your assigned district. These locations are:
Middlesex High School, 300 Kennedy Drive (High School Gym) (District 1, 2, 3, & 4)
Hazelwood School, 800 Hazelwood Avenue (Gym) (District 5, 6, & 7)
Mauger Middle School, Fisher Avenue (Gorman Gym) (District 8, 9, & 10)
Need to know your District? Select here to view a Community Map (and in the pull-out menu, select the checkbox for “voting wards” to see an overlay of the regular Voting Districts)
If you are a disabled voter and need access to an ADA device to vote, please call the Board of Elections at 732-745-3471
Voters with any questions, please call the Borough Clerk at 732-356-7400, ext. 238.
Linda Chismar, Borough Clerk
OCTOBER 19, 2020
MIDDLESEX COUNTY, NJ – Voter Information Centers (VIC) in three Middlesex County Municipalities – Highland Park, Monroe, and Sayreville – will open to the public on Monday, October 19, and remain open until Election Day, November 3. The VIC will serve the public as information centers, providing voting services including replacement ballots, signature verification, and instructions on how to participate in the 2020 General Election.
Highland Park Borough Hall - 221 South Fifth Ave, Highland Park
The Monroe Township Library - 4 Municipal Plaza, Monroe Township
Sayreville Borough Hall - 167 Main Street, Sayreville
For more information about the Voter Information Centers, download the flyer below or visit the County website here.
October 1, 2020
Hello Middlesex residents.
It is my responsibility to manage the election process in our borough under the directives of the New Jersey Secretary of State. As you should know by now, due to the pandemic, the General Election this fall will be primarily a Vote-by-Mail election. Here is some important information regarding the election.
The Middlesex County Clerk will be mailing ballots out to ALL registered voters.
If you are not registered and if you want to vote in the November election:
* register online through the New Jersey Division of Elections here,
* or, access voter registration forms from the County here,
* or, call the Middlesex County Board of Elections at 732-745-3471.
The last day to register to vote in the General Election is October 13, 2020.If your Vote by Mail ballot is lost, damaged or you do not believe you received it, you may request a duplicate. Please fill out the replacement ballot form on the County website here and submit it to the County Clerk’s office. The deadline to request a replacement ballot to be sent to you via the mail is October 23rd, though voters may request a replacement ballot in-person at the County Clerk’s office through election day.
Once you receive your ballot, you have the following options to cast your ballot:
a. You can mail the ballot back using the US mail in the envelope that comes with your ballot. You do not need to add any postage since envelopes have pre-paid postage. Please remember to sign the ballot where indicated and allow time for the ballot to be received through the mail.
b. You can drop the ballot in the secure drop box located at the Middlesex Municipal Building just outside the entrance to the Court Office. This area will be video monitored 24 hrs./day and the County Board of Elections will be picking up ballots daily. You can also take the ballot to another drop box location within the County (for locations, see the Vote-2020 page of the County website under “Secure Ballot Drop Box Locations”).
c. You can bring a completed ballot to your designated polling place on Election Day. Remember at the polling location, you can only drop off your ballot. You cannot drop ballots off for others. You can only vote individually, and you must sign in with the poll workers. The new polling locations are listed below under No. 7.
d. You can vote in person at a polling place. This will be by a paper ballot that is no different than the one received in the mail. This will be considered a provisional ballot until the Board confirms that you have not already voted by mail. Any voting machine at these locations will only be used for those who have a disability.
e. You can bring your ballot to the Middlesex County Board of Elections at 11 Kennedy Blvd, East Brunswick, NJ.There will be NO sample ballots sent to your home. If you would like a ballot in English, Spanish or Gujarati, please visit the website.
The Middlesex County Board of Elections has advised that it will mail your ballot back if you have made a mistake. The most common errors are: failure to sign the ballot or their signature does not match the one on file with the Board of Elections office. You will be given an opportunity to correct such errors, but it must be returned by the date cited in the letter.
Polling place locations in Middlesex Borough are as follows:
a. Middlesex High School Gymnasium – District: 1, 2, 3, 4
b. Hazelwood School Gymnasium – District: 5, 6, 7
c. Von E. Mauger Middle School, Gorman Gymnasium– District: 8, 9, 10
Lastly, if you want to verify that your mail in ballot has been received, you should register at “Track Your Ballot” on the New Jersey Elections website:
Linda Chismar, RMC
Borough Clerk