The Middlesex Borough Committee for the Prevention of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, informally referred to as “The Alliance” was approved by the Mayor and Council in 1990 and functions under the guidelines of the Governor’s Council on Drug and Alcohol (GCADA).
The purpose of the Alliance is to assist in organizing and coordinating community events and informative and educational school programs for the purpose of reducing alcoholism, under-age drinking, vaping and smoking, drug abuse resulting in the reduction of crimes committed directly as a result of these addictions.
To be successful the Alliance needs residents to represent all areas of the community especially those who have students in the middle and high school.
The Alliance meets the second Wednesday of the school year, except September, October and December, in the High School Library at 7:00 pm.
Committee Members
(list coming soon)
Council Representative:
Committee Minutes & Agendas
To view available documents, visit the Borough’s “Meeting Minutes and Agendas” page here.