Green Brook Flood Commission: Flood Wall Takes Shape
Flood Wall project on South Lincoln Ave Takes Shape
Meaningful flood reduction is making progress in our area – thanks to the tireless work and advocacy over the past 50 years from the Green Brook Flood Control Commission (GBFCC) and local residents, including Paul Woska and Mark Kranz, our GBFCC Commissioners.
Recent Congressional budgets awarded $496 million for the construction of the Lower Basin and Stony Brook portions of Green Brook Flood Commission projects. With this commitment by the Federal government, projects are beginning to take shape.
In our Borough's geography, Segment C2 & H was awarded in March 2023 and construction began this month.
The base consists of two closure gates across S. Lincoln Avenue, one on either side of the brook.
The northern gate will be in the gap where the completed Segment C2 floodwall is located.
The south side gate, along with 300 or so feet of floodwall to be placed.
The options consist of levees on both sides of the brook. The northern levee is to the west of S. Lincoln Avenue taking off where the Segment C2, Contract 1 floodwall ends.
The two southern sections of levee will be on both sides of S. Lincoln Avenue.
Two pump stations are included in the option.
South of the stream, on the west side of South Lincoln there will be a wall and flood gate installation. North of the stream, on the west side of South Lincoln a 2nd flood gate. These flood gates will both move toward the east and contain the bridge. During flooding when the gates are closed water will flow over the bridge. The pumping station will be up towards Denton Ave where the house was demolished.