SAVE THE DATE: Middlesex Borough Volunteer Fair May 3rd

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Pool Rules and Regulations


Hours of Operation

A. The pool shall be open for admission from 12 noon until 8 p.m. every day.

B. The manger or pool supervisor may deviate from the usual hours of operation for the purpose of conducting swimming classes, permitting swim meets or other public events, or whenever, in his opinion, prevailing conditions may affect the safe use of the pool.

General Rules and Regulations


  1. 1. Willfully mark, disfigure, damage, or remove any items of the property or equipment belonging to the pool area, or any signs or notices.

    2. Fail to cooperate in maintaining restrooms and washrooms in a neat and sanitary condition.

    3. Dispose of litter, paper, or debris except in designated trash receptacles.

    4. Consume food or beverages except within designated areas.

    5. Park vehicles except in designated places.

    6. Have in his/her possession or consume any alcoholic beverage of any kind whatsoever.

    7. Engage in any gambling activities.

    8. Bring any pets or animals on the premises.

    9. Park or deposit bicycles except in bicycle stalls.

    10. Use or park baby carriages or strollers except in designated areas. Baby carriages are not allowed on pool decks.

    11. Engage in wrestling, running, ball playing or similar activities within the pool grounds.

    12. Smoke on the pool grounds.

    13. Engage in rough or rowdy conduct or use profane or abusive language affecting the safety, comfort, and enjoyment of other persons.

    14. Enter any pool offices or equipment building without authorization.

    15. Disobey any posed signs or notices.


  1. To reissue a new pass to replace a lost or damaged pass, a fee of $5.00 per pass will be charged.

Special Pool Rules


  1. Appear in bathing costume which does not conform to commonly accepted standards.

  2. Permit infants who are not toilet-trained to be within bathing places or areas without protected diapers.

  3. Dress or undress except in dressing rooms provided for that purpose.

  4. Leave any chairs, cribs, umbrellas, etc. on the pool grounds. These items must be brought home each night.

  5. Enter the pool area if he has had any contagious or infectious disease or condition of any nature.

  6. Dive from lifeguard stands or from shoulders of another person or practice diving stunts, except within the designated area or, if under the age of 15, if he/she has not passed the prescribed pool test.

  7. Use water slide, if under the age of 14, if he/she has not passed the prescribed pool test.

  8. Enter the pool unless a lifeguard is on duty.

  9. Swim in the area reserved for diving.

  10. Take any toy or swimming equipment whatsoever in the main pool.

  11. Use the wading pool unless under 6 years of age.

  12. Use any metal or rigid plastic toys in the wading pool.

  13. Permit children or guest of a member to be left unattended in the pool complex.

  14. Converse with, or distract in any manner, any lifeguard on duty.

  15. Expose or offer for sale, any articles, or things, or advertise in any matter, any article or service, except when permitted by the pool manager.

  16. Permit children under the age of twelve years, or between the ages of 12 and 14, if they have not passed the prescribed swimming proficiency test, to enter the pool area unaccompanied by a member over the age of 14.

  17. Be permitted to bring a guest to the pool unless the member is 15 years of age or older, or the guest is 21 year of age or older. The member and the guest over 21 who brings a child to the pool must remain at the pool with the child and be responsible for the conduct and safety of the child. If a guest is asked to leave the premises of the pool for any pool violations, NO REFUNDS will be given, and the member must leave with the guest. Guest fees are: $15.00 weekdays, weekends, and holidays. Infants under the age of one year admitted with no charge. There are NO REFUNDS for daily admissions.

  18. May 31 of the current year is the cutoff date for determining a person’s age for the season.


A. The pool manager shall enforce all rules and regulations provided in this ordinance and may evict any person from the pool area for violation of any of the rules and regulations which shall be posted in a prominent place or places in the pool area.

B. The Municipal Magistrate shall have jurisdiction over all actions and complaints for the violations of any rule or regulation provided in this ordinance. Enforcement shall be by the same proceedings and processes, and practice for the enforcement thereof and penalties shall be the same as provided in the municipal ordinance pertaining to disorderly persons.

C. The Board of Commissioners, by a four-sevenths vote, may waive any part of the above rules when the pool is used for special events on a one or two day basis. Such waivers shall be made in writing to the Pool Manager at least one week in advance.