Clerk's Office
General Election
As the November 2, 2021 General Election approaches, the Middlesex Borough Clerk’s Department wants to keep all residents informed that the last day to register to vote in the General Election is October 12, 2021. Also, the deadline to apply for a mail-in ballot by mail for the General Election is October 26, 2021.
At this time, we are awaiting further information regarding this election from the Board of Elections. Please visit the 'Clerk' page on our Borough website to stay up to date on all election information as we receive it. If you have any question, feel free to contact the Borough Clerk’s Office at 732-356-7400, Ext. 238.
Shade Tree Information – Fall Planting
Middlesex Borough Shade Tree Commission, established in June, 1959, is responsible to maintain and protect all shade trees on Borough streets or roadway.
The Commission will begin their fall planting soon, and would like any residents that are interested in receiving a FREE shade tree to be planted on their right of way this fall to contact the Shade Tree Commission Secretary at 732-356-7400, Ext. 238.
Also, it is important to note that per Chapter 395 of the Borough Code, it is against the law for a resident to cut, prune, damage or disturb a Borough tree. If this is done, a summons will be issued, and fines will be imposed.