Aging and Disabled Services
Ageless Grace and Chair Yoga have resumed with all safety precautions in place.
Space is limited, please call in advance to reserve your spot: 732.356.0414.
Send us your email address
We are in the process of gathering email addresses to virtually connect with our seniors. If you or a loved one would like to get on our email distribution list please give us a call or email
Medicare open enrollment is here!
Are you ready? We can help! Beginning October 15, eligible seniors can apply to receive Medicare benefits or to re-evaluate your Part D to ensure you are on the right plan. Additionally, we can help you with Property Tax Reimbursements forms, Social Security issues, Pharmaceutical Assistance to the Aged & Disabled (PAAD)/Senior Gold, and LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program). Please reach out to us at 732-356-0414 to schedule an appointment for assistance with any application and forms.
Save money and get the best coverage!
It is worth taking time to compare.
A local Medicare counselor can:
Help you compare your current Medicare health or drug plan with other Medicare plan choices
Help you sign up for a new plan
Help you avoid high-pressure sales tactics
To schedule an appointment, call 732-356-0414