Tax Assessor
Improving Assistance to Taxpayers
Throughout the pandemic the assessor’s office continued to provide information and assistance to Middlesex taxpayers regarding the assessment process via an expansion of on-line access to VITAL’s Tax Application, email, and remote telephone services. Operational improvements included the design and creation an electronic format for the processing of the two-hundred-foot adjacent property lists which shortened the response time to taxpayers from five days to three days.
The revaluation for the Borough is scheduled for the tax year 2022. The preliminary work of compiling valuation information and the analysis of sales data is ongoing; it is anticipated that the field work and inspections of properties will begin in the summer of 2021. In November 2021 through December taxpayer reviews will be conducted and on January 10, 2022 the new assessed valuations will be placed on the tax list. Any resulting tax change in billing from the revaluation will be reflected in the mailing of the August 2022 tax bill.
For the tax year 2020 there were six tax appeals filed at the Middlesex County Board of Taxation. The review and adjudication of appeals were conducted via telephone conferences with the comparable sales shared on-line with taxpayers and their attorneys resulting in the withdrawal of County Tax Board appeals. There were no New Jersey Tax Court appeal filings.
Currently only exterior physical inspections of buildings are conducted and for the safety of taxpayers and employees all current CDC guidelines are followed.
Re-Numbering, Explained
Taxpayers may have noticed some changes to the block and lot codes on bills. These changes were a requirement to conform with current New Jersey State regulations. These revisions do not affect ownership or assessment but were required by the Division of Taxation. Under the administrative rules, no alpha block or lot identifiers are permitted which resulted in the re-numbering of certain Borough properties. For example, a property previously identified as Block 100 Lot 7A is now Block 100 Lot 7.01. Additionally, where a single property has multiple lot identifiers such as “additional lots 2, 3, 4, etc.” and the deed encompasses all of the property then the lot is now identified by only the first lot number. Taxpayers who have any questions or concerns should contact the Borough Assessor at (732) 356-7400 x270 or