SAVE THE DATE: Middlesex Borough Volunteer Fair May 3rd

Quarterly Newsletter - New Year's 2022

New Year's: Public Works

Safety is the main concern of Middlesex Borough during the winter months. The Public Works Department provides de-icing and snow removal whenever road conditions call for these services. Please remember snow removal is performed under emergency conditions and our drivers experience extended hours of work to provide safe roads for our residents. The following items are what our residents should be mindful of during the winter months:

  • Do not deposit leaves in the roadway. Please make every attempt to keep storm drains clear of snow or leaves.

  • Do not park on snow covered roads. Our police department will be enforcing this during snow events.

  • Do not place garbage cans in the street. Objects in the roadway are our biggest deterrent for efficient plowing operations.

  • Remove all basketball posts that are in the road or within the right of way.

  • Please do not blow snow onto plowed roadways. This creates hazardous road conditions.

Safety, continued

During snow storms our first priority is to open main roads to provide safe access for emergency vehicles and maintain safe traffic. Plows will continue to clear all streets until every road is safe to travel. Also keep in mind that during these storms, vehicle breakdowns ultimately occur. Your patience during these snow events is greatly appreciated.

We are constantly monitoring the safety of our roads. Please feel free to call us at 732-968-1603 or visit us online at our borough website to report any Public Works related issues. We will address all concerns in a timely manner.

Department of Public Works Part-time Sanitation Laborer Positions available

Entry level position with opportunity for a full-time position with full benefits and pension. Job duties include but are not limited to: weekly residential garbage pick-up, leaves/ brush pick up and bulk pick-up. Minimum age of 18. Must be able to lift minimum of 50 lbs., pass a background check and drug screening. Hours of Work: Monday – Friday, 6 am to noon. Starting wage of $14 an hour. Please submit applications to Toni Kisly, Human Resources Manager (or call 732.356.7400 Ext .240).

Recycling Pickups

Middlesex County Recycling program (MCIA) is experiencing delays due to staffing because of rising COVID cases. Scheduled pick up may be affected. Please download the Recycle Coach app for latest updates, or call Middlesex County Recycling at 1-800-488-6242.

Recycling Information

Borough residents are encouraged to use our Recycle Center located behind the municipal building at 1200 Mountain Ave. Here you can dispose of cardboard, junk mail, used motor oil, branches, glass, plastic, leaf bags, and electronics (computers, televisions, etc.). During the holidays you may have extra recycling you may like to dispose of. As a convenience you can bring them down to our Recycle Center.

Bulk pick up will commence the first Wednesday of February 2022. Please call and schedule an appointment for pick up. Borough residents are entitled to one free curbside pick-up per calendar year. Additional pick-ups can be purchased for owner/occupied residential dwellings at a fee of $150 per pick up. Residents will be mailed two bulk coupons annually. Additional bulk coupons can be purchased from the finance office for $50. Bulk tickets are only required for the disposal of bulk items such as couches, mattress/box springs, and household furnishings. Placing of unscheduled bulk items will be reported to the code enforcer. Construction material will not be accepted.

Recycling Center hours

  • Tuesday 6am -1:45pm

  • Thursday 6am- 6:45pm

  • Saturday 7am- 2:45 pm


  • Bulk pickup has ended for 2021. Please do not place free items randomly at the curb.

  • Leaf collection ended the last Wednesday of December 2021

  • Christmas trees will be picked up starting the first Wednesday in January 2022.

  • Leaf bags are still available at Recycle Center with coupon while supplies last.

Contact Us

From our D.P.W. family to your family, have a Healthy and Happy New Year!