Message from Mayor John L. Madden: Springtime
Message from the Mayor
This newsletter is being published on the first day of Spring, March 21, 2021. Almost exactly one year ago on March 23, 2020, Borough Hall closed its doors to the public, and, like many in the Tri-State area, staff began to work from home.
It was a dark Spring – bleak from a constant barrage of bad news on the television of sickness and death with no end in sight. It was a silent Spring – with outdoor activities and sports being cancelled for fear of contagion and no mandate that masks had to be worn. It was a sad Spring – with children being educated remotely, unable to see their friends, restaurants not able to open and people afraid to have Easter and Passover meals with extended family.
A Spring of Renewal
One year later, Spring 2021 does seem to be a time of rebirth and renewal. Businesses are re-opening, outdoor dining is beginning to resume. Middlesex Borough will be holding our sports program for the first time in a year with Spring Sports fully resuming. Middlesex Little League and Baseball is up and running. Children are back in school. Our Easter Bunny will be in Mountain View Park on March 27th. Our Library is planning to reopen. Outdoor events are being planned throughout our community and, as more and more people are being vaccinated, life is starting to feel like it may soon resume to normal – not the “new normal” of the virus, but our real normal of Sunday dinners, all the pews filled at church, children playing in full playgrounds, concerts and festivals, and all of the pleasures we used to take for granted and now know as our lives’ true blessings.
Spring 2021
Please enjoy this Spring newsletter. As the Borough reopens, we will be delighted to see you strolling in one of our beautiful parks, taking out a membership at our fabulous swim club, or enjoying a library book on a sunny bench.
Stay safe,
Mayor John Madden
Spruce up your homes!
Starting in May, the Middlesex Borough Beautification Committee is restarting their Homes of the Month program and will be spotlighting the prettiest borough homes each month. They are looking for the best front yards with beautiful flowers, shrubbery, home exteriors and holiday decorations. The Committee will be leaving signs indicating that you have been selected as a Home of the Month and posting pictures (with your permission) on the Borough’s Facebook Page and municipal website – giving you the kudos you deserve!
Adult Programming
We have some music programs and lectures planned for the spring to get up moving and grooving while learning about rock, classical, the Beatles, and all kinds of other music!
Theresa and Mary are compiling lots of creative “Take and Make” projects as well – focusing on self care, entertainment, crafting, and more! We continue to host some “surprise” book giveaways for the public – choose a wrapped book to KEEP from the table in our Walkup Pickup area – there are a few clues on the book’s wrapping, so try your luck!