Tax Collector
Veteran Property Tax Changes
On November 3, 2020, New Jersey voters approved a Constitutional Amendment, effective December 4, 2020, to eliminate the wartime service requirement for both the $250 Veteran Property Tax Deduction and the Disabled Veteran Property Tax Exemption.
Beginning on December 4, 2020 to receive both these veteran benefits, active military service is still required as well as an honorable discharge. However, when and where the veteran served are no longer criteria for eligibility, as long as he or she was called to active duty. Reservists and National Guard personnel must still be called to active duty to qualify. Active Duty for Training continues to be non- qualifying.
With respect to the $250 Veteran Property Tax Deduction, the pretax year is October 1, 2020 with the Deduction applied to the property’s taxes for calendar tax year 2021.
Applications are available through the tax office or by visiting
Remember Your Quarterly Taxes
2nd QUARTER taxes due May 1st , 2020
Grace period: May 10th by 4:00 P.M.
When scheduling a bank to send in tax payments please note on the check the tax account # and/or Block & Lot.