SAVE THE DATE: Middlesex Borough Volunteer Fair May 3rd

Quarterly Newsletter - Spring 2022

Clerk's Office

“Shred Day” is Friday, June 10 in the Borough

Date: Friday, June 10, 2022 (rain or shine)

  • Time: 9:00 am - 12 pm, or until shredding truck is filled, whichever occurs first.

  • Location: Middlesex Boro Municipal Complex, 1200 Mountain Ave.

  • County residents only.  Residential paper only – No businesses.

  • Limit of 5 file boxes or 100 pounds per car.

  • Paper must be in a manageable container - no Plastic Bags.

  • NOTE: No need to remove paper clips or staples.

Residents must keep their vehicle windows closed and stay in their vehicles at all times. Please have your materials in your trunk, cargo area or truck bed, easily accessible to our staff, who will remove it from your vehicle.

This free service is coordinated by the Middlesex County Board of County Commissioners in conjunction with the Middlesex Borough DPW.

Election News

The 2022 Primary Election will be held on June 7, 2022, with the polls being open from 6am-8pm. Polling locations have not been approved by the Board of Elections at this time.  These locations will be posted on the borough website upon approval and also noted on the sample ballot that you receive in the mail.   As a reminder, the last day to register to vote for the 2022 Primary Election will be May 17th. If you wish to change your party affiliation, all Party Affiliation forms must be submitted to the Board of Election by April 13th.  Any resident who would like to receive a Mail in Ballot for the Primary Election must apply by the May 31st deadline.