Quarterly Newsletter - Summer 2021

Office of Emergency Management: Be Prepared

Satellite image of a hurricane

Be Prepared: Hurricane Season is upon us

Disasters are unexpected by nature, which is why it is important to have an emergency plan long before a disaster strikes. By creating a strategy and organizing resources ahead of time, you can reduce the confusion and chaos during an actual emergency. Make sure you’re prepared for a disaster. Being prepared means being equipped with the proper supplies you may need in the event of an emergency or disaster. Keep your supplies in an easy-to-carry emergency preparedness kit that you can use at home or take with you in case you must evacuate. For more information on preparedness go to www.ready.gov has been prepared by FEMA.

Middlesex Borough has a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT Team) which is under the auspices of the Middlesex Borough Office of Emergency Management (OEM).whose mission is to help the community prepare for, cope with and recover from the effects of natural and manmade disasters.  OEM does this through all four phases pf emergency management, preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation. 

 CERT team members are trained as a Team and as Individuals to assist the Citizens of the Borough of Middlesex in the event of disaster.

The CERT program educates volunteers about disaster preparedness for the hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, disaster medical operations and terrorism, together with additional training in first aid, CPR and AED.

CERT offers a consistent, nationwide approach to Volunteer training and organization that professional responders can rely on during disaster situations, allowing them to focus on more complex tasks.  CERT became a National Program in 1985.  There are now CERT programs in all 50 states, including many tribal nations and U.S. Territories.   Each is unique to its community and all are essential to building a Culture of Preparedness in the United States. Nationwide there are over 600,000 trained CERT represented in 2700 CERT programs. 

Some information enclosed in this document in courtesy of FEMA. For more information contact them at fema.gov.
Middlesex Borough OEM.
Email:  Certmiddlesex@yahoo.com

Hurricane, Ready or Not

As the 2021 Hurricane Season is upon us, the Middlesex Borough Office of Emergency Management advises all Borough residents to plan and prepare for potential tropical storms.

The hurricane season usually runs from June 1 through November 30. The peak time for hurricane and tropical storm activity in New Jersey runs from mid-August through the end of October.   The combination of warm ocean water, humid air and consistent winds contributes to the formation of *tropical cyclones* - low-pressure systems of circulating winds, clouds and thunderstorms - over the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico.

As they gain strength, these cyclones are classified as tropical depressions, tropical storms or hurricanes.  The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale rates hurricane strengths, from Category 1 to Category 5.  Most of these storms remain over the ocean without affecting the U.S. coastline.  When they approach land, tropical storms and hurricanes can be extremely deadly and destructive - even as far north as New Jersey, and even when they do not make landfall.

*In recent months, New Jersey has seen its fair share of weather emergencies ranging from nor*easters to flooding.  As we enter hurricane season, we ask all of our residents to either create or refresh your household or businesses emergency plan*

Middlesex OEM in conjunction with NJOEM suggests the following readiness steps in preparation for Hurricane Season:

  • Get a Kit of emergency supplies - the items that will help you stay self-sufficient for up to three days (72 hours), if needed.

  • Make a Plan for what you and your family will do during an emergency - this includes knowing how to evacuate and how to Shelter-in-Place.

  • Stay Informed of possible threats - especially during Hurricane Season. Tune into your local media outlets for the latest breaking weather news. In the event of an emergency a battery powered radio is a great tool.

  • Additionally, NJOEM remains in constant communication with all New Jersey county offices of emergency management, the National Weather Service as well as state and federal partners. These relationships allow NJOEM to deliver timely information to the local OEM and public as well as
    respond to any incidents in a timely manner.

  • We are committed and dedicated to planning and preparing for all storms during hurricane season and beyond. From a minor shower to a tree bending, torrential wind ridden vortex, Middlesex OEM is ready. For us, it doesn’t start on June 1st and end on November 30th. Instead, it is an
    ongoing process that is detailed, studied, operationally trained and enhanced regularly for the benefit of our state residents and visitors.

For more information regarding Hurricane Season and how to properly prepare your household or business, please visit the Hurricanes and Tropical Storms page on the State "Ready.gov" website here, o

or call 211.

To receive emergency text messages and email alerts from the New Jersey Office of Emergency Management, log on to http://www.ready.nj.gov.

Additionally, you can follow the New Jersey Office of Emergency Management on social media:
Facebook @ReadyNewJersey
Twitter @ReadyNJ