Covid-19: Bagged Garbage Announcement
Bagged garbage MUST be in cans, totes or boxes
The decision late Sunday evening to require that all garbage bags must be immediately placed in containers was not made lightly. When we were alerted that Middlesex Borough had its first positive resident with the Corona Virus, guidance from the County Department of Health advised that our DPW sanitation workers should touch as few surfaces as possible; this includes the handles of garbage containers, garbage can lids and the garbage bag handles. It would have been such better timing if the first positive gave us a few days to let people know, but that was not what happened.
A lot of constituents are angry about this. Some have been very kind and understanding. Others have expressed gratitude because they have seen rats or raccoons in their neighborhoods.
We are sure that our residents who are being diagnosed and tested positive with COVID-19 are taken precautions when putting their garbage, mail, etc., out for the public to handle. However, with a virus that can take up to 14 days to show symptoms, not taking the utmost precautions to protect our municipal employees would be irresponsible. If our trash collectors and sewer department within the DPW get the virus, our Borough will have an even larger public health crisis.
Middlesex Borough has had a garbage ordinance as law since 1947 that has stated “The occupant of any residential building or premises covered by the terms of this article shall place, keep and make readily accessible for collection and removal of garbage, ashes and rubbish placed in plastic bags inside covered receptacles with detachable lids, such as may be specified in rules and regulations to be adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Middlesex pertaining to the subject matter of this article. No loose garbage or debris shall be inside the approved receptacle. Acceptable receptacles are metal or plastic containers with handles and tight-fitting lids weighing less than 65 pounds when filled and 35 gallons in size. The use of individual plastic bags, cardboard boxes, paper bags, crates, drums, pails, or similar containers as receptacles is not permitted. Garbage in these containers will not be collected (Article 1, Section 351.4).
For many years, past elected officials have been reluctant to enforce this law. Right now, with the COVID-19 crisis, we are requiring that garbage be placed in bags and then in a hard receptacle. For the time being, you can place your bags in your recycling can, a household garbage can, a tote, even a cardboard box that won’t break thru at the bottom. We are also asking that lids be kept off for now.
Following the crisis, when life resumes and people feel safe to go to home good stores and are re-employed, we are going to enforce the ordinance as written: all garbage must be placed in bags, then in a garbage container that is 35 gallons or less, has a tight-fitting, detachable lid and is not filled beyond 65 pounds in weight.
The purpose of the size restriction is because large cans, when filled, are too heavy and become a physical danger to our sanitation employees. The reason the lids must be detachable is because when cans with attached lids are lifted and dumped, the lids often hit the heads of our DPW workers, occasionally causing injury.
We are fully aware that this decision has caused a great inconvenience for you and a nuisance for those who have been putting bags curbside for many years or even decades. We apologize for the impromptu change and short notification. However, for the time being, your garage bags must be in containers for our sanitations workers to lift and dump without strain.
Please be aware that once the emergency passes, we will be enforcing the existing ordinance, which has been long neglected.
Together, we can keep our town safe and looking beautiful for all to enjoy.