Mayor Madden's Message 3/24: COVID-19
Middlesex Borough and COVID-19
With new restrictions ordered by Governor Murphy and the Borough’s first positive COVID-19 identification, Middlesex Borough offices remain closed to the public. However, essential services including our Finance and Administration Departments, Office of the Clerk, Purchasing, Court Administration and Code Enforcement, are in every day to ensure government’s business is done. Senior Services continue to make sure that Meals on Wheels are delivered and our seniors are safe. Staff at the Administration Building are on reduced or alternating work hours for social distancing. Our Administrator has put in place the ability to work from home for all administrative staff if this becomes necessary. If you need to reach the staff in the municipal building, please email or call them – you can find contact information on our website under each department.
Our Police Department, First Responders, and our Department of Public Works continue to ensure public health safety. Please join me in recognizing the vital services that these departments continue to perform for our residents.
I want to remind all residents that garbage must be placed in plastic bags and then in a garbage can. There has been a lot of criticism regarding the Borough’s late decision Sunday night about garbage pick up. This decision was made upon notification of our first positive COVID-19 case and was not done lightly. The County Department of Health advised us that our DPW staff should be touching as few surfaces as possible that have been touched by others. Please do not use lids for the time being. After the Corona Virus crisis is over, the Borough will be enforcing the ordinance that requires all garbage to be placed in cans with lids and not heavier than 35 gallons – for the time being, the DPW will pick up garbage out of most containers, including recycling cans, to allow you the time to purchase what is legally permitted in the town. Please do not overload the cans – if our men cannot pick them up, they cannot dump them!
Recently, used disposable gloves have been showing up on our streets and in parking lots. Please do not remove gloves and toss them unsafely for someone else to have to pick up. Make sure you dispose of them properly and legally – in a trash can! Tossing used gloves is littering and may spread disease. If you think your gloves are too contaminated for you to carry to a trash can, they certainly should not be tossed on the street! If you are bringing along disposable gloves to go into stores or to work, then please also bring along a plastic bag in which to throw them away.
Residents are urged to practice social distancing by keeping 6 feet away from others and heed the CDC prevention measure of washing your hands often to prevent community spread.
Individuals can lower their risk of contracting coronavirus disease by taking the same actions that are recommended to prevent the spread of the flu and other respiratory illness:
Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
Avoid touching your face, especially your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces (please do not flush disposable wipes down a toilet!)
Avoid close contact with people who are sick
Stay home when you are sick
Resident with questions or concerns about COVID-19 can call 2-1-1.
Additional information may be found at the following websites:
Middlesex County Department of Health:
NJ Department of Health:
Centers for Disease Control:
World Health Organization:
Everyone’s cooperation will lead to beating this virus sooner. Be safe and healthy.