June 12: Weekly Report from Mayor Madden
Of the many calls and emails that I receive, I would like to remind residents that the Borough has many resources in place to quickly address your questions and concerns. The most common questions I am asked may be answered by the following departments:
Construction: permits, construction fees, inspections, etc.
construction@middlesexboro-nj.gov or 732-356-7400 x247 (Michele Galek, Technical Assistant to the Construction Official)
Public Works: recycling, garbage, roads, sewers, etc.
dpw@middlesexboro-nj.gov or 732-968-1603 (Bob Teutsch, Superintendent)
Recreation: adult and youth programs summer playground, etc.
recreation@middlesexboro-nj.gov or 732-356-7400 x277 (Noreen Wilpiszeski, Director)
Pool Commission: membership, programs, etc.
middlesexpoolnj@gmail.com or 732-752-3366 (Jim Grimm, Director; Mark Kranz, Commission Chair)
Library: digital resources, programs, etc.
cgeorge@middlesexlibrarynj.org or 732-356-6602 (Chrissy George, Director)
Police: traffic, safety, etc.
Administration: for day-to-day operations and management, budget preparation, etc.
mkarrow@middlesexboro-nj.gov or 732-356-7400 x264 Marcia Karrow (Administrator)
As our Governor keeps relaxing the COVID-19 restrictions for other businesses to open up on a scheduled phase, it is important to make sure all the precautions that we have been instructed are strictly followed. Governors in southern states have been reporting significant spikes in positive cases.
Either one or two circumstances are occurring; with the warm weather, more residents are not protecting themselves (masks and social distancing) as before, or the number of tests being performed are substantially increasing.
After speaking with County Health Officials, neither circumstance stands out as definitive. Regardless, it is vitally important to stay vigilant until the reported threat passes or a vaccine is effectively produced and distributed.
Be safe. Thank you.
Saturday, June 6: 0
Sunday, June 7: 0
Monday, June 8: 2
Tuesday, June 9: 1
Wednesday, June 10: 3
Thursday, June 11: 1
Friday, June 12: 1