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June 5: Weekly Message from Mayor Madden



My weekly message will center exclusively on the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, MN on May 25, 2020. There exists a great urgency to bring this matter to the court of public sentiment.  Mr. Floyd's death was unnecessary, unconscionable and despicable. I am disheartened and sad that a rogue cop caused Mr. Floyd’s death as three fellow officers stood by and did nothing to stop him.  I trust that justice will be served with Second Degree Murder and Manslaughter charges being levied against these men.

I believe that the vast majority of our peace officers do follow a strict code of conduct to “protect and serve”. I also know the good residents of our community have felt the same sense of abject abhorrence and would never allow this to happen.

Our residents and police have enjoyed a wonderful relationship built on decades of trust.  Our residents have faith and believe that our police will protect life and property; our officers respect our residents. For this dynamic to work well in a small town, there is an unspoken agreement that we all have shared values including that both police and citizens will abide by the rule of law.

We are not a “perfect” utopia with a single ethnic group, a single religion, or a unified culture. But we are a diversified multi-cultural society has made us a richer nation, state and municipality.  Diversity should be looked upon as a wonderful enrichment in the human experience. I believe that our Borough embraces the differences of our ethnic groups, races, and religions. And I believe that the people of our Borough stand with me in the outrage of the horrific act that occurred on May 25 and that there is no place for hate, racism or discrimination.

Every life is precious. Everyone has something positive to share. True equality needs to be a reality, and not merely a dream. It’s time.

Be safe. Thank you.


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