June: Street Paving in the Borough
The following is the schedule of Paving and Milling work to be done in the Borough.
This milling and paving project is subject to availability of equipment and weather permitting.
THIS WEEK: MILLING (American Water)
Fairview, East Green lawn, Delaware, Clinton, Melrose Ave, Seneca, South Woodland, Greene • 6/12 through 6/15/2023, 7am-5pm
C street, A street, D street • 06/16/2023, 7am-5pm
The Contractor will start the Paving of the streets listed below the following week once milling is completed
Fairview, East Green lawn, Delaware, Clinton, Melrose Ave, Seneca, South woodland, Greene
C street, A street, D street
Hazelwood Ave, Judson Ave, Shearn Drive, Misty Lane, Lonnabe Drive
Contractor starting June 19, 2023