“Shred Day” is July 8 in the Borough
Date: Saturday, July 8, 2023 (rain or shine)
Time: 9:00 am - 12 pm, or until shredding truck is filled, whichever occurs first.
Location: Middlesex Boro Municipal Complex, 1200 Mountain Ave.
Borough Hall Parking Lot
No Plastic Bags. Use a box, crate or other sturdy container – we will give it back to you.
Limit of 5 file boxes or 100 pounds per car.
Paper must be in a liftable, manageable container. If it is hard for you to bring it to your car, it is too heavy!
NOTE: No need to remove paper clips or staples.
Loads containing unacceptable items will be rejected.
Event coordinated by Middlesex County.
Plastic binders/sheet protectors, newspapers, magazines, hardcover books, junk mail, photos, x-rays, CDs, shredded paper or garbage.