Quarterly Newsletter - Summer 2021
Welcome residents and visitors! Please enjoy this Summer edition of the newsletter. Read our full publication at once by using the button below — or review the Departments of your choice by scrolling through this edition’s current topics.
Departments and Topics
The road of financial recovery; Coffee with Council resumes; Save the date for 9-11 ceremony…
It’s time to get the kids out from behind their computer screens, out of the house, and into the sunshine at the pool…
Get ready for a fun and healthy summer with a return of many local classes, sports, and activities!
Beach and pool reading season is among us! Make sure to always check out (pun intended) the Middlesex Public Library for the perfect bestsellers and stories to keep you company in your hammock, lawn chair, or chaise lounge.
Let us assist with your forms; Summer Chair Yoga and Ageless Grace; Join our mailing list…
In order for our department to be able to provide great service to an outstanding town, we ask our residents…