Summer Playground is Right Around the Corner!
Registration is Open Now
Register today! Don't miss out on the fun. Summer Playground is for children who want to have fun and for parents who want some structure to the summer!
WHO: Children currently in grades K-5
WHEN: Monday - Friday, 9AM-Noon, June 26th–August 5th
WHERE: Mountain View Park
ENTIRE SUMMER FEE: $250 per child
WEEKLY FEE: $60 per week per childPLANS INCLUDE: Arts and crafts, themed days, games, free play, science experiments, trips and educational activities! You will receive a confirmation letter with camp rules and regulations after the deadline has passed.
Program is open to Middlesex Borough residents ONLY. Deadline to register is June 9, 2023. o refunds will be issued after June 16th. You will receive a confirmation letter with camp rules and regulations after the deadline has passed.
Registration: Online
The easiest way to register is through MyRec. If you do not have a MyRec account, you will need to create one.
Registration: Paper Form
Or if you prefer, you can stop by the Recreation office to complete a registration form and pay for Summer Playground.
Middlesex Recreation Department
1200 Mountain Ave., Middlesex, NJ 08846
(732) 356-7400 Ext. 277