Weekly Report from Mayor John L. Madden
Due to the urgency in response to the daily increase of new positive Covid cases, the Middlesex County Office of Health Services has provided specific guidelines and important safety information for residents as we gather during holiday celebrations. I believe that since there is much talk concerning the new vaccine breakthrough by several companies some residents may relax their “guard” in not only protecting themselves but others around them. Now with the onset of the flu, there is a heightened concern. It is now well recognized that cold weather may enhance transmission. Some individuals believe that receiving the flu shot will also help lower the incidence of getting the Covid-19 virus. In addition, these same individuals believe there are some protective benefits that are realized for Covid-19 by flu vaccine pathway. Such misinformation can result in deadly consequences.
Here are the similarities and differences between the Covid-19 and the influenza viruses. Although both viruses are contagious, respiratory viruses, Covid-19 is caused by infection by SARS-CoV-2, a new corona virus. The flu is caused by infection with only influenza viruses. Transmission seems to be more easily spread and may cause more serious illness than the flu. Often times symptoms may be delayed longer and the incubation/contagion cycle may linger for a longer period of time. It is also possible to be infected with both viruses
However, common symptoms that both viruses share include, fever, chills, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, tiredness and fatigue, runny/stuffy nose, sore throat, headache, muscle pain, vomiting, diarrhea and general body aches. Much important information such as this can be found on the CDC website.
Also, Middlesex County just announced a new and convenient method for obtaining the seasonal flu shot. A drive thru flu vaccine is now offered to residents at no charge. You must register to schedule testing dates. Residents may go to middlesexcountynj.gov/flu.
Again, the best we can do now is to make sure masks are worn, limit gatherings, practice social distancing and maintain good hygiene. I urge each of you to make sure these protocols are strictly followed if we are going to beat this thing. There is no question that because people have been relaxing these measures are now seeing the infection rate increase dramatically.
These are the important county websites:
For more general information – www.middlesexcountynj.gov/covid19.
For case count information – www.middlesexcountynj.gov/casecount.
For drive through and walk up flu shot distribution – www.middlesexcountynj.gov/flu.
Please read, understand and practice these guidelines. Also make sure others are diligent as well. Perhaps soon we can get back to our normal lives and reduce this stress.
Happy Thanksgiving and please be safe.
Thank you.