Department of Aging and Disabled Services
Contact us for all kinds of help
We can help you with Property Tax Reimbursements forms, Social Security issues, and Pharmaceutical Assistance to the Aged & Disabled (PAAD)/Senior Gold.
Our department can also help you with LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program). Please reach out to us at 732-356-0414 to schedule an appointment for assistance with any application and forms.
2021 Eligibility for PAAD - Maximum income:
single - $28,769 couple - $35,2702021 Eligibility for Senior Gold - Maximum income:
single - $38,769 couple - $45,270
Seniors 65+ are able to access free, dedicated COVID 19 vaccine appointments in New Jersey
Directly call senior-specific hotline
1) Seniors, 65 and older, can call 856-249-7007(senior-specific NJ COVID Call Center hotline, available 8am-8pm) to: Register, schedule and reschedule appointments as needed. This is a phone number just for those 65 and older
Receive calls from the NJ COVID Vaccine Call Center
2) Seniors, 65 and older on the New Jersey Vaccine Scheduling System wait-listmay receive calls or messages from the NJ COVID Vaccine Call Center to schedule dedicated appointments at the following locations:
Walmart (~60 sites being activated) -call stores directly
These sites may have dedicated appointments for those 65+
Schedule directly with pharmacies and other sites
3) Seniors, 65 and older may also be able to access dedicated appointments at certain hospitals as well as the following retail pharmacies across the state:
CVS: (800) 746-7287 Aid: (800) 748-3243
Walgreens: 1-800-9254-73367(1-800-WALGREENS)
for Walgreens account holders only
This information is current as of March 11, 2021. Please contact New Jersey Department of Health for the latest information.
Department Programming resumes
Ageless Grace and Chair Yoga will resume early April with all safety precautions in place. Space is limited, please call in advance to reserve your spot.
Lend us your Emails
Send us your email address - We are in the process of gathering email addresses to virtually connect with our seniors. If you or a loved one would like to get on our email distribution list please give us a call or email