Police: Spring Safety
Spring is a time when flowers bloom, grass grows – and burglars, thieves and scammers are more active. Remember:
Unlocked vehicles
…are popular targets for opportunistic sneak-thieves. Residents are urged to lock their vehicles when they are unattended and keep valuables stored out of view of prying eyes.
Burglars often pose as solicitors,
…enabling them to approach homes to determine if anyone is present, without arousing suspicion. For this reason, the Borough of Middlesex requires that all solicitors obtain a license before engaging in such activity. If you suspect that someone is soliciting without a license, please report them to the police.
Spring is also popular time for yard sales and garage sales.
…Residents are reminded that New Jersey law prohibits signs from being “painted, drawn, erected or maintained upon trees, rocks, other natural features or public utility poles”.
You may stake signs advertising your sale on your property, or on private property with the permission of the property owner. We also ask prospective buyers to make sure to obey all traffic and parking laws while attending a garage, yard or estate sale.
During Spring Cleanup,
…trim bushes, shrubs and trees so that they don’t provide concealment for would-be burglars.
Clean up after your pets
…Spring brings the increased use of our parks and ballfields. Those that choose to use these recreational areas to walk their dogs are reminded that it is their responsibility and it is the law to clean up after their pet and to keep their dog on a leash. Our children depend on these parks, schoolyards and ballfields for recreation. Dog feces, when not disposed of properly, is a health hazard and an environmental hazard.
Warm Weather Brings With It Increased Pedestrian Traffic
Keep these tips in mind:
Always cross at corners, within marked crosswalks where available.
If crossing in other locations, yield the right of way to vehicles. Failure to obey the law carries a $54 fine (court costs additional)
Look left, right and left again before crossing. Watch for turning cars.
Always walk facing traffic.
Obey traffic signals, especially “Walk/Don’t Walk.”
Remain alert! Don’t assume that cars are going to stop.
Wear reflective clothing when walking at night.
Stay sober. Walking while impaired greatly increases your chances of being struck.
Stop for pedestrians in marked crosswalks. Failure to stop carries a $200 fine (court costs additional), a 2 point license penalty, 15 days community service, and insurance surcharges.
Watch for pedestrians when turning right on red.
Obey speed limits.
Do not block or park in crosswalks.
Keep your windshield clean for maximum visibility.
Be alert for pedestrians at all times.
Share the Road: It’s Everyone’s Responsibility
Milder temperatures also mean that there will be more people taking to the roads on bicycles and motorcycles. Drivers should be mindful that bicyclists and motorcyclists have the same rights as you. They also face unique safety challenges, such as being smaller and less visible. Look for cyclists before making a left-hand turn at an intersection. Also, be aware that motorcyclists may have to downshift and weave to avoid bumps and road hazards so follow at a safe distance.
Special Olympics Torch Run
The Middlesex Police Department will participate in the 36th annual New Jersey Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics on June 5th.
Residents! Sign Up for Nixle Community Notifications and Alerts
The Nixle Messaging System allows the Police Department to communicate important, emergency information and instructions directly to residents using the latest technology. Messages will be delivered by email, SMS/text message (cell phone), and over the Internet. Residents are urged to sign up to receive Nixle Alerts and Messages. Notifications may include crime related alerts, traffic advisories and other relevant safety and community event information.
Nixle also enables citizens to submit anonymous tips to the police department to aid in crime fighting efforts. To learn more about Nixle and to sign up, please visit our web site at www.middlesexpd.com.
Report a Traffic Safety Concern
We ask that you support our Safe Roads Initiative by obeying all traffic laws at all times. Please report any non-emergency traffic concerns to the Middlesex Police Department – (732) 356-1900 ext. 235, or trafficsafety@middlesexpd.com.
Police Records
The Police Department’s Records Bureau window is located inside the lobby of the Middlesex Borough Police Department at 1101 Mountain Avenue. The window is open Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Citizens can obtain motor vehicle crash reports and police incident reports by completing a request form, by providing their information and by providing a proper form of identification.
Please allow up to 5 business days for report availability. Contact the Records Bureau at (732) 356-1900 ext. 230/231 for information or to check the status of your report request.
Internet Exchange Zone
The Middlesex Police Department has established an Internet Exchange Zone in the parking lot at police headquarters. The zone will be monitored by a dedicated video surveillance camera. The goal is to create a place that promotes safer transactions between individuals making sales, purchases or exchanges with total strangers.
Firearms Applications
Firearms Applications can now be completed online. Visit njportal.com/NJSP/FARS. When filling out the online application (for Middlesex Borough residents only) use ORI NJ0121100. Contact Detective Paul Steffanelli at 732-356-1900 Ext. 311 or Detective Daniel McCue at 732-356-1900 Ext. 312 with questions or if more information is needed.